This policy provides general guidelines for term appointments covering all non-represented non-senate academic appointees with term appointments. For represented non-senate academic appointees, please refer to their respective memoradums of understanding (MOU).
A. Guidelines
A term appointment is an appointment for a specific period which ends on a specified date. An appointment with an established ending date is self-terminating subject to the notice requirements of APM 137. Reappointment (renewal) is not automatic. For the purposes of this policy, a non-reappointment is a decision not to reappoint an individual beyond the established ending date. A non-Senate academic appointee with a term appointment is considered separated at the expiration of such an appointment. This is not considered a layoff.
The University is required to provide a written notice of an appointment or reappointment to each non-Senate academic appointee with a term appointment. The University has the sole discretion not to reappoint those who have served less than eight consecutive years of service in an academic title or title series on a campus. The University is required to give notice of non-reappointment to those who have served at least 50 percent time for eight or more consecutive years of service in the same academic title or title series on a campus.
This policy applies to all academic appointees of the University with term appointments who are not members of the Academic Senate. If an appointee also holds a Senate title, this policy applies to the non-Senate title only. In cases where aspects of academic title-specific policy conflict with APM-137, the policy governing that title series applies. For non-Senate academic appointees covered by a MOU (lecturers, librarians, postdoctoral scholars, etc.) this policy applies only to the extent provided for in the MOU.
APM-137 applies to the following appointment titles:
- Academic Coordinator Series
- Academic Administrator
- Health Sciences Clinical Professor Series
- Adjunct Professor Series
- Professional Researcher Series
- Project Scientist Series
- Specialist Series
- Visiting Titles
- Teacher – UNEX (TC-3574)
B. Written Notice of Initial Appointment, Renewal or Reappointment
When a non-Senate academic appointee is offered an appointment or reappointment that is a term appointment, the University should notify the appointee in writing of the following information (appointment notice is not required to be given to those appointed at less than 50% time, or appointed for no more than one quarter):
- the title of the position
- the salary rate
- the name of the department in which the appointment is located
- the beginning and ending dates of the appointment
- the percentage of time
- the general responsibilities
- the name of the individual to whom the academic appointee reports
AP-21: Non-Senate Academic Term Appointee Employment Form – for Initial Appointment, Renewal of Appointment, or Revision
- Contains all of the required notification items in addition to the signature lines
- Explanation of the check boxes:
- Initial Appointment – new to UCI, or returning after separation process
- Renewal of Appointment – new end date due to renewal of appointment, no review required (for example, second year at same step)
- Revision – changes to the existing appointment period (begin and/or end dates) due to budgetary or visa issues, or changes to percent of time
AP-137A: Term Appointment – Supplemental Non-Senate Academic – for Reappointments based on a merit review, promotion, etc. Should be used where AP Summary Forms AP-20, AP-22, AP-24 are required.
- This supplemental information form provides Academic Personnel Office with required information to be included in the appointment letter
C. Non-Reappointment
In cases of non-reappointment, the following criteria apply:
Appointee with less than 50 percent time or no more than one quarter | The University is not required to give written notice of non-reappointment to appointees who hold appointments at less than 50 percent time or short-term appointments of no more than one quarter. |
Appointee with fewer than eight consecutive years of service | For appointees who have served fewer than eight consecutive years in the same academic title or title series on a campus, the appointment terminates automatically on its specified ending date unless notice of reappointment is given. It is within the University’s sole discretion not to reappoint an appointee under this section, so long as the reasons for non-reappointment are not unlawful or in violation of University policy. |
Appointee with eight or more consecutive years of service | For appointees who have served at least 50 percent time for eight or more consecutive years in the same academic title or title series on a campus, notice of non-reappointment must be given in accordance with APM-137-32. The University may decide not to renew a term appointment under this section, when in its judgment, the programmatic needs of the department or unit, lack of work, the availability of suitable funding for the position, or the appointee’s conduct and performance do not justify renewal of the appointment. |
Written Notices of Non-Reappointment
For the purposes of this policy, a non-reappointment is a decision not to reappoint an individual beyond the established ending date. Written notices of non-reappointment must be given to qualifying appointees.
Notice is required if:
The appointment is at least 50 percent time for 8 or more consecutive years in the same academic title or title series on campus
Notice is not required if:
The appointment is less than 50 percent time or no more than a quarter, or appointee has less than 8 consecutive years of service in the same academic title or title series (regardless of percent of time)
Step 1: Written Notice of Intent
The University must provide a written Notice of Intent (sample – Notice of Intent) not to reappoint at least sixty (60) days prior to the appointment’s specified ending date. The appointment may be extended to provide the required notice, or appropriate pay in lieu of notice may be given. Notice and response dates run concurrently.
The notice must state:
- the intended action is not to reappoint the appointee
- the proposed effective date
- the basis for non-reappointment (including a copy of any materials supporting the decision not to reappoint)
- the programmatic needs of the department or unit
- lack of work
- the availability of suitable funding for the position
- the appointee’s conduct and performance do not justify renewal
- the appointee’s right to respond in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of issuance of the written Notice of Intent
- and the name of the person to whom the appointee should respond (the next higher level of review authority)
Step 2: Written Appointee’s Response
If a written response is received, the next higher level of review authority must review the response and will determine whether to proceed with a Written Notice of Action.
Step 3: Written Notice of Action
If the University decides not to reappoint a non-Senate academic appointee who holds a term appointment, the University shall issue a written Notice of Action (sample letter – Notice of Action) to the appointee of the non-reappointment and its effective date.
The Notice of Action should:
- be issued within 30 calendar days of the date the written Notice of Intent was issued
- notify the appointee of the right to grieve the action under APM-140