I. Other Leaves with Pay
- General
Academic appointees who intend to be away from the UCI campus to engage in research/creative activity elsewhere may be granted a leave with pay for good cause. To the extent possible, all leaves of absence should be requested in advance.- Academic appointees who will be absent from their normal academic duties from UCI campus, with some duties being reassigned during the period of leave, must submit a leave of absence form.
- Seven (7) calendar days or less with pay:
- Notify the department chair
- Approval Authority: Department Chair
- Greater than seven (7) calendar days:
- Submit a Leave of Absence form (AP-UCI-76) for leaves with pay:
- Approval authority: Dean for greater than seven (7) and less than thirty (30) calendar days
- Approval authority: Vice Provost for Academic Personnel for greater than thirty (30) calendar days
- Submit a Leave of Absence form (AP-UCI-76) for leaves with pay:
- Bereavement Leave
- A leave of absence of up to ten (10) working days per death may be granted in the event of the death of an appointee’s:
- child, parent, spouse, domestic partner, sibling, grandparent, or grandchild. In-laws or step relatives in the relationships listed, including relatives of the domestic partner who would be covered if the domestic partner were the appointee’s spouse. Also includes persons residing in the appointee’s household.
- A leave of absence of up to five (5) working days per calendar year may be granted for the death of an individual who is not a family member.
- Bereavement leave does not need to be taken consecutively.
- Academic appointees may use accrued sick leave for pay during an approved bereavement leave up to the maximum indicated above.
- For academic appointees who do not accrue sick leave (but accrue vacation) may request a leave with pay without using vacation.
- Submit a Leave of Absence form (AP-UCI-76) for bereavement leave.
- The dean has authority to approve bereavement leaves (up to 5 or 10 working days per death) and should be consistent when approving then (i.e. not asking/asking faculty to use vacation).
- Submit a Leave of Absence form (AP-UCI-76) for bereavement leave.
II. Change in Work Location
- Faculty whose research/creative activities requires an absence from campus, but they continue to meet all of their responsibilities during this time, may be granted a change in work location (with pay) for up to a maximum of 60 calendar days, for good cause. To the extent possible, all changes in work location should be requested in advance.
- Faculty who will be absent from the campus but continue to fulfill all their duties during the period of absence, must request a change in work location.
All academic appointees governed under APM-025 or APM-671, who intend to engage in Category I outside professional activity while on leave or with a change in work location must request and receive prior approval through UCOATS at least 30 days in advance of the expected activity.
- Change in Work Location Request
- Seven (7) calendar days or less with pay:
- Notify the Department Chair
- Approval Authority: Department Chair
- Greater than seven (7) calendar days**:
- Faculty submits a memo to the approval authority specifying work location, duties and responsibilities that will be performed, and length of stay.
- Approval authority: Dean for greater than seven (7) and less than thirty (30) calendar days
- Approval authority: Vice Provost for Academic Personnel for greater than thirty (30) and less than 60 calendar days
- Seven (7) calendar days or less with pay:
**Requests of greater than seven (7) calendar days should be properly documented, reviewed, or approved by the Dean’s office, and forwarded to the Office of Academic Personnel.