1. Childbearing Leave may be granted by request to eligible academic appointees for disabilities or medical conditions related to pregnancy and childbirth before, during and/or after childbirth. Childbearing Leave has been updated to increase the existing paid leave to eight weeks. This leave may be extended due to medical reasons.
  2. During a childbearing leave, no duties shall be required by the University (APM 760-25-a).
  3. If eligible for Family and Medical Leave (FML), up to 12 workweeks of the childbearing leave will run concurrently with FML (APM 760-25-d).
  4. Central funding for the purpose of providing ladder rank faculty teaching replacement is allocated to the affected academic department.
  5. Who is eligible:  Birth Mothers
  6. How to request for a Childbearing Leave:
    1. Complete the Leave of Absence form UCI-AP-76.
      1. Provide the actual dates of the childbearing leave.
      2. Final Approval Authority:
        1. Seven calendar days or less:  Department Chair
        2. Eight calendar days or more:  Vice Provost

1. The aggregate duration of all leaves, plus periods of Active Service-Modified duties, may not exceed one year per single birth/adoption.
2. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA): See the UCI Family and Medical Leave Guidelines for Academics.
3. In addition, disability information is available from Human Resources at UC Disability Benefits.