- The appointee remains in service to the University, but with modified duties. For most appointees, this means a period in which the faculty member does not teach. This is not a leave.
- Eligibility for a period of active service-modified duties (ASMD) shall normally extend from 3 months prior to and up to 12 months following the birth or adoption of a child and may be granted to any academic appointee who has 50% or more responsibility for the care of the child. Appointees may apply for ASMD to care for a child of any age.
- The total period of Childbearing Leave plus Active Service-Modified Duties (ASMD) for a childbearing appointee, who has a full-time appointment for at least one full academic year 1 , may not exceed three quarters/two semesters for each birth. The first quarter of ASMD must run concurrently with the quarter in which a childbearing leave is taken. If an appointee gives birth during the summer the appointee is eligible for a total period of active service-modified duties of three quarters/two semesters.
- All other eligible academic appointees 2 are eligible for a total period of Childbearing Leave plus Active Service-Modified Duties (ASMD) of one quarter (APM 760-28).
- Central funding for the purpose of providing ladder rank faculty teaching replacement is allocated to the affected academic department.
- Who is eligible: Birth, adopting and foster parents.
- Appointee must certify that they have at least 50% of the primary responsibility for the care of the child in order to be eligible for Active Service Modified Duties.
- What is Active Service Modified Duties
- Modified duties for a ladder faculty appointee are normally relief from teaching; however, other arrangements are possible.
- During a period of Active Service-Modified Duties, the appointee is on active status.
- Active Service-Modified Duties is not a leave of absence.
- For restrictions and timing, see APM 760-28.
- How to request for Active Service Modified Duties:
- Complete the “Active Service – Modified Duties Request/Certification” form UCI-AP-91.
- Specify the quarter(s) requested for ASMD: Policy allows three quarters/two semesters of combined childbearing leave plus ASMD for a childbearing appointee who has a full-time appointment for at least one full academic year; with one quarter of combined childbearing leave plus ASMD allowed for other appointees.
- Describe the modified duties as agreed between the appointee and department chair, subject to the dean’s review and endorsement.
- Complete the “Active Service – Modified Duties Request/Certification” form UCI-AP-91.
- The department can request for Funding for Teaching Release for Professor and Lecturer with Security of Employment series.
- In order to minimize the financial impact this might place on the instructional program of the department, central funding for replacement teaching will be provided to the affected department. Funding for teaching release request will have a maximum number of courses that will be approved per birth or adoption:
- Professor series: eligible to receive up to a maximum of three courses.
- Professor of Teaching series: eligible to receive up to a maximum of four courses. The department can request for Funding for Teaching Release for Professor and Professor of Teaching series.
- Estimated cost for funding requested per course will be increased from $5,500 to $6,000, which will be effective for all requests initiated July 1, 2019 or after.
- This request is initiated by the faculty member at the time the period of leave or active service-modified duties is requested, by completing the “Funding for Teaching Release For Birth or Adoption of Child(ren) — for Professor and Professor of Teaching series,” form UCI-AP-93.
- The Department Chair provides information on the individual’s teaching load and the form is forwarded through the Dean to the Office of Academic Personnel for review and approval.
- In order to minimize the financial impact this might place on the instructional program of the department, central funding for replacement teaching will be provided to the affected department. Funding for teaching release request will have a maximum number of courses that will be approved per birth or adoption:
1 Academic appointees in their first-year of appointment will be eligible for this benefit if they have been appointed for full time for the entire year. For example, a newly appointed academic appointee in their first year of full-time full-year appointment will be eligible to request ASMD if the appointee meets the criteria specified for ASMD.
2 This group includes: Spouses or domestic partner with full-time/full-year appointments, adoptive or foster parents, academic appointees with part-time appointments one-year or less, or full-time appointment for less than one full year.