A. What is Stopping the Clock
  1. It is a stoppage of the eight-year clock in certain titles for purposes of:
    1. childbearing or childrearing (must be responsible for 50 percent or more of the care of the child who is, or becomes part of the faculty member’s family),
    2. serious health condition including disability or bereavement, or
    3. significant circumstance or event beyond the faculty member’s control that disrupts the faculty member’s ability to pursue his or her duties.
  2. An academic appointee must provide notice of his or her intent to stop the clock before July 1 of the academic year in which a promotion review is to occur.
  3. The Notification of Intent to Stop the Clock may not be made after the sixth year has begun. Also, a Stop the Clock will not be granted for a faculty member who has primary responsibility for a young child when that child is born or adopted during the year of the tenure or promotion review.
  4. Refer to Special Timing of the Promotion/Promotion to Tenure Review for Faculty with Stop the Clock in APP 3-50 Appendix III.
  5. Stop the Clocks are normally granted for a period of one year for each event, totaling no more than two years during the probationary period. The birth or placement of one or more children at the same time constitutes a single event of birth or placement.
  6. A faculty member is eligible to stop the clock even if the faculty member does not take a formal leave or have a modification of duties. Time off the clock is limited to one year per birth or adoption, subject to a total allowable option period of two years for all reasons (APM 133-17 and APM 760-30).
B. Who is Eligible

Any faculty member at the Assistant level, which falls under the provisions of APM 133, and is not currently undergoing review for promotion to tenure, may initiate a stoppage of the eight year clock on the limitation of service1 as provided in the relevant policies.

1Quarters or semesters “off the clock” due to Childbearing leave, Parental Leave, and/or Primary Responsibility may not exceed one year for each event of childbirth or adoption.  Because the review cycle is conducted in terms of full, not partial years, and partial years count toward the next full year, the exclusion of one or two quarters (one semester) for an academic appointee or up to three quarter for a fiscal year appointee will not necessarily affect the timing of the tenure or promotion review.

C. How to Provide Notification of Intent to Stop the Clock
  1. Complete the “Stop the Clock Certification Form” UCI-AP-92. In order to automatically defer a Mid-Career Appraisal, the notification to “Stop the Clock” must be submitted by the end of the faculty member’s third year (by June 30). If the notification to “Stop the Clock” is submitted after the Mid-Career Appraisal, the notification of intent to “Stop the Clock” must be made before July 1 of the academic year in which a tenure or promotion review is to occur.
  2. Once the notification of intent has been acknowledged, the tenure clock (or probationary period) will automatically be stopped.

NOTE: Refer to APP 3-50, Appendix III for a more detailed explanation of the Stop the Clock process.