A. Policy
Academic appointees who have retired from the university may be recalled to active service, for a term appointment. Recall may be for teaching, research and/or administrative service. A minimum 30-day break in service after the date of retirement is required before a recall appointment begins. Recall appointments are approved for only one year at a time and are self-terminating. In cases where an academic is engaged in a long-term research project with secure funding, multi-year appointments will be considered. Recall appointments may not exceed a total of 43 percent time per month, inclusive of all recall appointments at any UC campus.
Individuals who retire from the following titles are ineligible for recall under this policy:
- Clinical Professor-Volunteer series (see APM 279-20 regarding reappointment and non-renewal in this series);
- Paid staff;
- Senior Management Group without a concurrent academic appointment.
B. Restrictions
Recall appointments may not exceed a total of 43 percent time per month, inclusive of all recall appointments at any UC campus.
C. Types of Recall Appointments
- Teaching – Recalls for teaching must be established on a percentage basis. The pay rate should match the salary and step at the time of retirement, range adjusted to the current scale.
- Research – Recalls for research must be established on a percentage basis to ensure appropriate effort reporting. The pay rate should match the salary and step at the time of retirement, range adjusted to the current scale.
- Administration – Administrative recalls, as described in APM-240–241 and –246, for a term of one year or less subject to renewal on an annual basis, are established on a percentage basis.
D. Salary
- Rate of Salary
- Academic appointees may be recalled to a compensated or a non-compensated appointment. Compensated appointments should be percentage-based. The maximum salary rate for recall appointments (teaching, research, or other non-administrative duties) is the individual’s annual base salary rate (including any off-scale) for the academic position held at the time of retirement, range adjusted forward.
- Rate of Salary for Faculty Retired from a Health Sciences School
- For faculty who were appointed in a Health Sciences school at the time of their retirement, membership in the Health Sciences Compensation Plan (“HSCP”) as a recalled academic appointee is determined by the HSCP salary structure. Retired academic appointees recalled to base salary appointments, but not as members of the HSCP, are not eligible to receive additional compensation, but have no limitation on remuneration from outside professional activities. Base salary is defined as the faculty members’ base salary (HSCP Academic Programmatic Unit (“APU”) Salary Scale X and X’) at the time of retirement, range adjusted forward.
- Retired faculty members who are recalled at a salary rate greater than base salary (X, X’ plus Y and/or Z), regardless of percentage effort, are required to be members of the HSCP. As members of the HSCP, all of the terms and conditions of the HSCP apply.
- Patient care activities must be provided within the University setting, or as part of an approved affiliation agreement or professional service agreement. All clinical income is due to the Plan. In no case will Plan participants be allowed to retain income from patient care activities. All outside compensated professional activities must be reported annually.
- NIH Funding Guidelines for School of Medicine:
- Faculty recalled for research, with NIH funding as the sole funding source, may be recalled at the capped NIH rate only. If supplemental funding is available, the faculty member may supplement the NIH monthly capped rate up to the faculty’s X + X’ monthly recall rate. Supplementation of NIH capped salaries may be made only from available non-federal or non-state funding sources.
- NIH Funding Guidelines for General Campus:
- Faculty recalled for research, with NIH funding as the sole funding source, may be recalled at the capped NIH rate only. If supplemental funding is available, the faculty member may supplement the NIH monthly capped rate up to the faculty member’s monthly recall rate. Supplementation of NIH capped salaries may be made only from available non-federal or non-state funding sources.
- There are two options for the retired members of the HSCP:
- The faculty can return as a recall faculty that is a member of the HSCP, and will be eligible for a X, X’, Y, and Z. All policies that apply to HSCP members will apply, including the policies regarding billing and all outside income that must be reported.
- The faculty can return as a non-member of the comp plan. Their salary will be at the X+X’ rate that was in place at the time of their retirement, and they will NOT be eligible for additional compensation (e.g., Y or Z components).
- Salary Increases
- Recalled academic appointees are not eligible for merit or promotion salary increases
E. Approval Authority
- Academic Deans have approval authority for standard academic recall requests.
- Any appointment in excess of 43 percent time per month, inclusive of all recall appointments at any UC campus (any Summer Session recall appointment), will require approval from Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost in accordance with University policy.
F. Responsibility and Oversight
- Recalled Academic
- Disclose all UC recall appointments to home department and any other appointing departments/campuses to ensure recall appointment does not exceed a total of 43 percent time per month, inclusive of all recall appointments at any UC campus.
- Contact the Benefits office if there is any question regarding the effect of the recall on retirement benefits.
- Acknowledge and sign UCI Academic Recall Appointment form.
- Home Department
- Advise academic regarding recall process and assist with benefits issues/concerns.
- Verify academic’s recall status (check for other appointments).
- Complete and submit UCI Academic Recall Appointment form for Chair’s approval.
- Forward UCI Academic Recall Appointment form to Dean’s office for approval.
- Enter approved recall appointment in PPS after Dean’s signature or Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost approval signature for exceptional approvals.
- Review PAN to ensure payroll action reflects approved recall appointment.
- Appointment Department (if not Home Department)
- For recalled faculty whose home department is not the one that is requesting the recall, the hiring department must notify the home department (via email or concurrence on recall request).
- Complete and submit UCI Academic Recall Appointment form for Chair’s approval.
- Forward UCI Academic Recall Appointment form to Dean’s office for approval.
- Enter approved recall appointment in PPS after Dean’s signature or Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost signature for exceptional approvals.
- Review PAN to ensure payroll action reflects approved recall appointment.
- School Dean’s Office
- Provide policy and procedure guidance to departments.
- Obtain dean’s signature on the UCI Academic recall Appointment form.
- Send a copy of completed form to Office of Academic Personnel. If it requires exceptional approval, forward the original to the Office of Academic Personnel for Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost approval.
- Ensure appointment is entered in PPS and review PAN to ensure payroll action reflects approved recall appointment.
- Office of Academic Personnel
- Provide policy and procedure guidance to Schools.
- Post audit recall appointments and PPS entries.
- For exceptional approval, Office of Academic Personnel will obtain Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost signature and return to Dean’s office after approval.
G. Terms and Conditions of Employment
- Pre-Retirement Recall Agreements
- Campus administrators may only make a pre-retirement recall agreement with academic appointees age 60 or older and who have five years of service credit (“UCRP normal retirement age”). Campus administrators may not discuss recall appointments with academic appointees who have not reached the UCRP normal retirement age.
- Such an agreement may provide for a recall term of up to three academic years, with the possibility of annual renewal thereafter.
- Length of Recall Appointments
- Recall appointments are term appointments for a specific period of time and expire on the end date with no further notice required.
- Recall appointments are normally one year or less.
- Early Termination
- If the terms and conditions of the recall agreement are no longer applicable, the University may terminate a recall contract prior to the specified end date with a minimum of 30 days notice, or pay-in-lieu of notice for those who are compensated
H. Summer Session Recall Appointments
- Faculty who are recalled for Summer Session might have their teaching and/or research appointment affected during the academic year.
- Summer Session will continue to be paid as a flat rate amount.
- Compensation for Summer Session will require approval from Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost in accordance with University policy.
I. Intercampus Academic Recall Appointments
If a department proposes to recall an academic who retired from another UC campus, the department should notify the home campus of the proposed appointment and obtain the necessary information. Coordination between campuses is imperative to ensure that the recall appointment does not exceed a total of 43 percent time per month, inclusive of all recall appointments at any UC campus.