All one-time payments must be approved by the Office of Academic Personnel prior to the activity/service taking place and before these payments are offered to the academic appointee.

For all intercampus one-time payments, the host campus must notify the home campus of the activity in advance of the activity being performed. The home campus must confirm that the academic appointee is eligible to receive the payment.

Job Codes and Earn Codes for UCPath Entry

  • Lect-Miscellaneous/Part Time:Β  001650 / HON
  • Faculty Consultant:Β  003700 / ACF
  • Award/Prize: 003999 / AAP
  • Misc. Academic Activity: 003999 / HON

UCPath Instructions When UCI is the Home Campus

For non-represented academic appointees:

  • One-time payments may be paid on the academic appointee’s existing job under Additional Pay.

For represented academics, a concurrent job must be created using the details below:

  • Salary Plan = BYA
  • Leave the job compensation field blank
  • Enter the amount in Additional Pay
Home/HostForm to Use       Process
Home: UCI
Host: UCI
  1. Host department prepares and completes AP-70Β form and sends it to their Dean’s Office.
  2. Dean’s office sends AP-70Β form to the Office of Academic Personnel (
  3. Office of Academic Personnel will review and sends form back to host department.
  4. Host department processes transaction in UCPath.
Home: Other UC
Host: UCI
Replaces UPAY 560-T & UPAY 644C-T
  1. UCI department completes the MLA/OTP Form for inter-location one-time payments.
  2. UCI department sends MLA/OTP form to the UCI Office of Academic Personnel (
  3. UCI Office of Academic Personnel will review form; if approved, will send to home campus.
  4. Home campus completes their section/approval and sends form back to the UCI Office of Academic Personnel.
  5. UCI Office of Academic Personnel will send completed form to UCI department.
  6. UCI department will enter transaction in UCPath.
Home: UCI
Host: Other UC
Replaces UPAY 560-T & UPAY 644C-T
  1. Host campus completes the MLA/OTP Form for inter-location one-time payments.
  2. Host campus sends MLA/OTP form to the UCI Office of Academic Personnel for review and approval.
  3. UCI Office of Academic Personnel will send completed form; if approved, to host campus.
  4. Host campus will enter transaction in UCPath.