APM 666-16 on Honoraria specifically prohibits honoraria payments for serving on any review committees, ad hoc committees, thesis committees, and campus or system-wide committees. Serving on a committee can be listed as service on the next review.

APM 666-8 states that additional compensation for a lecture can only be provided if the lecture occurs at a UC campus other than the academic appointee’s home campus.

Serving on an advisory board is not an eligible activity for additional compensation via a one-time payment. Activities such as these that are funded by contracts and grants which allow for payments cannot bypass existing campus policies.

Please route all one-time payment forms (UCI-AP-70 or UPAY 644C-T) to your Dean’s office for review and approval. They will then forward the request of Office of Academic Personnel for final approval.

Yes, you may pay a one-time payment to an academic appointee on a without salary appointment, as long as it is an eligible activity and within policy. A one-time payment is not intended to avoid hiring the academic into a paid appointment.

For represented academic appointees, a concurrent job must be created to process the one-time payment UCPath Additional Pay in PayPath.

Self supporting degree programs do not qualify for one-time payments. Please refer to the self supporting degree program guidelines for payment processing.