Ladder Rank Salary Data
As a function of rank, step, and gender:
As a function of rank, step, and ethnicity:
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Multiple regression analysis of salary vs rank/step. As indicated in Table 1, the simplest model with only demographic variables shows women earn salaries that are 7% higher, Asian and URM faculty earn 26% and 23% less, respectively, compared to their colleagues who are white and male. Twelve percent of salary variation is explained by this model. As control factors are added to the model, salary differences change significantly with women earning 2% more, Asian faculty earn 1% less, and URM faculty earn 2% less, compared to white male faculty. The percentage of salary variation explained by the model increases to 94%.

Progression Analysis
The progression data for all Social Ecology Ladder Rank Faculty, are plotted below. Normative progression is defined in the Progression Matrix.
Progress by gender:
Progress by ethnicity:
Progress Rate Analysis
The results indicate there isn’t a statistically significant difference in progression rate means ethnicity when compared to white male faculty. Women, however, progress at a rate that is nearly one and a half years faster (p=0.01). Normative progression is defined in the Progression Matrix.