Ladder Rank Salary Data

The salary data for all Ladder Rank Faculty on the General Campus are plotted below.

As a function of rank, step, and gender:

As a function of rank, step, and ethnicity:

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

Multiple regression analysis of salary vs rank/step. As indicated in Table 1, the simplest model with only demographic variables shows women earn salaries that are 36% lower, Asian and URM faculty earn 5% and 42% more, respectively, compared to their colleagues who are white and male. Thirty-seven percent of salary variation is explained by this model. As control factors are added to the model, salary differences change significantly with women earning 14% more, Asian faculty earn 22% less, and URM faculty earn 2% less, compared to white male faculty. The percentage of salary variation explained by the model increases to 99%.

Progression Analysis

The progression data for all Public Health Ladder Rank Faculty, are plotted below.  Normative progression is defined in the Progression Matrix.

Progress by gender:

Progress by ethnicity:

Progress Rate Analysis

The results indicate there isn’t a statistically significant difference in progression rate means by gender when compared to white male faculty.  URM faculty, however, progress at a rate that is four years faster (p=0.03). Normative progression is defined in the Progression Matrix.