Represented Academic Appointees
Unit 18 Faculty: Provisions for Leaves of Absence and Active Service Modified Duties (ASMD) applicable for Unit 18 faculty (lecturers, supervisors of teacher education, and teachers-special programs), which are represented by the AFT, are available in Article 12 – Leaves of Absence and Active Service Modified Duties in the Non-Senate Instructional Unit Agreement.
Academic Researchers Unit: Provisions for Leave of Absence applicable for Academic Researchers Unit (ARUs) are available in Article 12 – Leaves of Absence in the Academic Researchers Contract.
Postdoctoral Scholars: Provisions for Leave of Absence applicable for Postdoctoral Scholars are available under Article 12 – Leave of Absence in the agreement between the Regents and the UAW.
A. Definition of Leave of Absence
- In response to the University’s shift to a remote/hybrid work environment during the COVID-19 pandemic, an academic appointee is considered to be on a leave of absence any time he or she takes a leave from normal duties during the prescribed periods of service. In times where remote/hybrid work is authorized, absent from normal duties means a lack of regular, consistent communication and engagement in normal University duties and failure to meet assigned or contractual responsibilities. Academic appointees who go on leave prior to obtaining formal approval are in violation of university policy.
- Fiscal Year Appointments are in service to the university throughout the year, except during official university holidays. UC Irvine’s Academic and Administrative Calendar lists the official holidays.
- Academic Year Appointments are expected to be in residence from the first day of the fall quarter through the last day of the spring quarter, except during official university holidays. UC Irvine’s Academic and Administrative Calendar lists the actual quarter dates and official holidays. Academic-year appointees may be absent during the periods between quarters without requesting an official leave, unless they are traveling on official university business.
B. Types of Leaves
Academic appointees are required to be in service to the University during prescribed periods of the academic year. All absences during this period fall into one of the following categories:
- Sick/Medical Leave (APM 710):
- Appointee’s own personal illness;
- Appointee becomes disabled
- Appointee’s work-related injury or illness
- Appointee is pregnant
- Family and Medical Leave (APM 715)
- Appointee’s own serious health condition, including a serious health condition that is a work-incurred injury or illness.
- To care for the appointee’s child, parent, spouse, or domestic partner with a serious health condition.
- Appointee’s own disability related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition or prenatal care.
- To bond with the appointee’s child after the child’s birth or with a child newly placed with the appointee for adoption or foster care.
- To care for appointee’s son, daughter, parent, spouse or domestic partner, or next of kin who is a covered service member undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy for a serious injury or illness.
- A qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that the appointee’s child, parent, parent-in-law, spouse, or domestic partner, or next of kin is a military member on covered active duty or call to covered active duty status.
- Sabbatical Leave (APM 740)
- To engage in intensive programs of research and/or study
- Leave for Service to a Government Agencies (APM 750)
- Appointee consults or provides other services to governmental agencies
- Military Leave (APM 751)
- Reserve training duty
- War or national emergency
- National conscription
- Service related to national defense
- Leave to Attend a Professional Meeting (APM 752)
- Attending a professional meeting/conference or other University business.
- Other Leaves With Pay (APM 758)
- Change in Work Location
- Bereavement Leave
- Reproductive Loss Leave
- Other Leaves Without Pay (APM 759)
- Good cause (includes, but not limited to)
- leave for service to non-profit/non-governmental organizations,
- innovation and entrepreneurship activities,
- a visiting appointment at another institution,
- professional development, or
- medical reasons when an appointee’s paid medical leave has been exhausted
- Good cause (includes, but not limited to)
- Holiday (APM 720)
- Official holidays for both academic-year and fiscal-year appointees
- Vacation (APM 730)
- Vacation policy for both academic-year and fiscal-year appointees
- Jury Duty (APM 758)
- Appointee is providing jury service
C. Reasonable Accommodations
Appointee is disabled or becomes disabled.
The University provides reasonable accommodation (APM 711) to otherwise qualified academic appointees who are disabled or become disabled and need assistance to perform the essential functions of their positions. Accommodation options will be considered in an interactive process with the appointee.
D. Family Friendly Policy
UC Irvine’s Family Friendly Policy (APM 760) is intended to assist academic appointees in balancing the needs of work and family. Here are the Family Friendly Policies that are available to academic appointees:
- Childbearing and Pregnancy Disability Leave (APM 760-25): An academic appointee who is disabled because of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions; may also be used for prenatal care.
- Childrearing Leave (APM 760-27): Consists of parental bonding leave and/or parental leave.
- Pay for Family Care and Bonding (APP 7-45): PFCB provides a pay option for block leave taken in minimum one workweek block increments for family and medical leave (FML) qualifying reasons.
- Active Service-Modified Duties (APM 760-28): A period during which normal duties are reduced so that an academic appointee may prepare for and/or care for a newborn child or a child newly placed for adoption or foster care.
- Stopping the Clock for the Care of a Child or Children (APM 760-30) — An academic appointee may stop the clock during the probationary period to care for any child who is or becomes part of a faculty member’s family and is responsible for 50 percent or more of the care of a child or children.
Childbearing Leave | Childrearing Leave | Active Service Modified Duties (ASMD) | Stopping the Clock | |
Salary | May be with or without salary | May be with or without salary | Normal Salary | Normal salary |
Duration/Limitations | Normally up to 8 calendar weeks. FML runs concurrently for up to 12 workweeks per calendar year. | May not exceed one year per birth or adoption for parental bonding leave, including when combined with childbearing leave, and/or ASMD. FML runs concurrently for up to 12 workweeks per calendar year. | May not exceed 3 quarters per birth or adoption, including when combined with childbearing leave. | A maximum of two requests may be considered, a third may be considered by exception. May not exceed one year per birth or adoption, including when combined with childbearing leave, and/or childrearing leave. |
Univeristy Duties | None | None | Modified | Normal Duties |
Primary (50% or more) Responsbility of the Child | Not Required | Not Required | Required | Required |
Time Counted Towards 8 Year Clock (if applicable to employee) | If a childbearing leave is equal to or greater than one quarter, time may be excluded from tenure/promotion review. | If a childrearing leave is equal to or greater than one quarter, time may be excluded from tenure/promotion review. | Yes | If request is approved, the clock is automatically stopped and extended by one additional year. |
Sabbatical Credit Accrual (If applicable to employee) | No, if leave is with or without pay for one (1), or more, quarters. | No | Yes | Yes |