Greetings New Faculty Member!
Welcome to UC Irvine! Below you can find a list of resources beneficial to new Anteater faculty, as well as a plethora of information on the rest of the Academic Personnel website to help you make a smooth transition to our campus.
Questions About Accommodations and Accessibility
Disability Services Center
In collaboration with UCI faculty and staff, the Disability Services Center (DSC) provides academic accommodations, auxiliary aides and services for UCI students with disabilities according to state and federal law. DSC is also a great resource for faculty who have questions about accessibility, inclusivity, working with students, or about specific accommodations in their courses. You can find the most pertinent information on the DSC website under “Instructor Resources.”
Website: https://dsc.uci.edu/
Phone: 949-824-7494
E-mail: dsc@uci.edu
Campus Location: 100 Disability Services, Building 313
Resources for Teaching and Mentoring
Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation
The Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation (DTEI) is focused on ensuring that faculty and future faculty are prepared and have the resources to provide our students with a high quality educational experience. This includes structured professional development opportunities, including the Active Learning Institute and Pedagogical Fellows Program, and more informal activities such as Faculty Learning Communities and Faculty Reading Groups. DTEI also possesses expertise to assist faculty with online course development and the data-driven evaluation of educational programs and course structures through the Teaching and Learning Research Center.
Website: www.dtei.uci.edu
Phone: (949) 824-3594
Email Address: dtei@uci.edu
Campus Location: 3000 Anteater Instruction and Research Building (AIRB)
Teach Anywhere
In partnership with the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (OVPTL), OIT has created a resource that provides overview and how-to information related to UCI’s educational technology tools and services to aid in remote teaching.
Website: https://sites.uci.edu/teachanywhere/
Graduate Division
Information about graduate students at UCI and graduate affairs, including admission and support for graduate students (Graduate and Postdoctoral Scholars Resource Center).
Information on Equity and Inclusion
Equity Advisors
An Equity Advisor is a senior faculty member, appointed as Faculty Assistant to the Dean in their respective schools. Equity Advisors participate in faculty recruiting by approving search strategies and raising awareness of Best Practices. Additionally, they organize faculty development programs, with both formal and informal mentoring, and address individual issues raised by women and underrepresented minority faculty.
Website: https://inclusion.uci.edu/advance/equity-advisors/
*Includes a list of Current Equity Advisors
Office of Inclusive Excellence
The Office serves the campus priorities and is committed to a transformative, whole university effort grounded in our values: expect equity, support diversity, practice inclusion and honor free speech. UCI’s powerful vision of inclusiveness and change is supported through a dedication to ensuring accountability, providing training and education, conducting responsive research and building sustainable partnerships.
Website: https://inclusion.uci.edu/
UCI holds a membership with the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity which provides a variety of faculty development programs, including a signature Faculty Success Program. https://inclusion.uci.edu/faculty-resources/
Faculty Development and Research Resources
Faculty Development Resources
UCI is committed to providing faculty with resources to facilitate their success and advancement. Activities include mentoring opportunities, writing communities, leadership development programs, and others.
Website: https://ap.uci.edu/resources/facultydev/
Research Development
The Research Development team in the Office of Research (OR), is charged with advancing and supporting sponsored research across all of UCI. They work with and supports individual school Research Development Officers (RDOs), as they work with their faculty to develop winning grant proposals. They also work closely with the Corporate and Foundation Relations team in UCI Advancement which provides support for non-federal funding program opportunities.
Website: https://research.uci.edu/research-development/
UCI Beall Applied Innovation
Through people, tools, resources, funding, and a comprehensive view of UC Irvine innovation, UC Irvine Beall Applied Innovation (BAI) assists researchers and industry in translating academic discoveries into impactful solutions for people and our planet.
BAI administers the campus technology transfer and licensing functions, industry sponsored research contracts and negotiations, venture creation and development, and enterprise collaboration efforts and opportunities across the campus.
Website: https://innovation.uci.edu/
Contact: Casie Kelly, Ph.D. – Director, Research Translation Group
Phone: (949) 824-2920
Email address: casie.kelly@uci.edu
Campus address: 5270 California Avenue, #200, Irvine, CA 92697
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Life Resources Program
Available for all faculty and staff, emeriti/retirees, and their dependents to use. No program enrollment or registration required. (Registration is only required for online access) UCI affiliation is self-identified. Strictly confidential, 24/7 multilingual access to integrated work-life services to help you navigate challenges at work, at home or wherever you might encounter them. Download the Summary of Services Flyer.
Support Provided:
Website: https://liferesources.uci.edu/
Faculty/Staff Support Services
The Coordinator of Faculty/Staff Support Services provides consultative services and support to resolve behavioral health issues, serves as a primary crisis intervention resource to facilitate and coordinate appropriate resources, provides time-limited case management for individual employees, and develops and implements instructional training and materials to assist in the promotion of mental well-being for all UCI and UCI Health faculty and staff.
Website: https://www.whcs.uci.edu/faculty-staff-support-services
Contact: Negar Shekarabi, Psy.D.
Phone: 949-824-5208
Email Address: nshekara@uci.edu
Healthcare Facilitator Program
UCI’s Health Care Facilitator (HCF) is here to help faculty and staff, retirees, survivors and their eligible family members, to better understand and obtain the full benefits and services available from the UC-sponsored health plans. Your Health Care Facilitator is a knowledgeable counselor who will provide you with confidential one-on-one assistance in resolving health plan issues.
Website: https://hr.uci.edu/partnership/health-care/
Contact: Kwame White, UCI Health Care Facilitator
Phone: 949-824-9065
Email Address: whitek@uci.edu
Technology for Teaching Resources
The Office of Information Technology has created a web repository of technologies and information that supports faculty including internet connectivity resources, VPN, security announcements, virtual access software applications and new technology offerings.
Website: https://techprep.oit.uci.edu/teaching
Office of Information Technology
In partnership with school IT help desks, the Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides a wide range of IT services that support faculty in their teaching, research and service. We assist those teaching on-campus and remotely using Canvas and EEE+ educational technologies, as well as Zoom and other lecture capture services. We also provide classroom technology support, equipment and tools. Much of the infrastructure used daily, such as email, website hosting, network, VPN, and telephone is supported by our office. The Research Cyberinfrastructure Center offers high performance computing and storage services for researchers.
Website: https://oit.uci.edu/faculty
Phone: 949-824-2222
Email Address: oit@uci.edu
Campus Location: 115 Aldrich Hall
Parking Permit and Commuting Options
Sustainable Transportation
Transportation and Distribution Services offers a number of sustainable commuting options including carpool matching services, vanpools, subsidized OCTA bus passes, rebates on train tickets, and other convenient, cost-effective options that can significantly reduce your monthly transportation expenses. All Sustainable Transportation programs include employee incentives for a number of complimentary daily permits on those rare occasions when you drive alone, and a guaranteed ride home program for unexpected emergencies.
Website: https://parking.uci.edu/st/faculty-staff/
Contact: Sustainable Transportation Coordinators
Phone: 949-824-RIDE (7433)
Email Address: rideshare@uci.edu
Campus Location: 200 Public Services Building
Payroll Questions
UCPath is the University of California’s priority program to implement a comprehensive payroll, benefits, human resources and academic personnel system for all UC employees. UCPath replaced UC’s 35+ year-old Payroll/Personnel System (PPS) with a single new, modernized system in January 2020 to standardize processes, enhance services, and provide 24/7 online access for employees and managers. The UCI UCPath project team serves the UCI campus and Medical Center communities, and helps to prepare and train employees for the new system.
Website: https://ucpath.uci.edu/
Contact: Andrea Knaub, Communications Lead
Phone: 949-824-9260
For inquiries visit the Employee Experience Center.
Library Information
UCI Libraries
The UCI Libraries offer scholarly resources and services to help enhance your research and teaching.
Our research librarians (https://www.lib.uci.edu/subject-librarians) are subject experts who provide innovative and responsive library services to support the success of faculty and students. Contact us for: library cards; interlibrary loan; requests for library collections; course reserves; customized library research instruction for classes; digital scholarship projects; etc.
Website: https://www.lib.uci.edu/
Email Address: Ask a Librarian Email
Locations & Phone: Langson Library & Science Library: 949-824-4976
Grunigen Medical Library: 714-456-5583
Law Library: 949-824-6746
Activate your UCInetID
You can use ZotPortal to activate your UCINetID.
ZotPortal can also provide you with:
- Targeted news and announcements, relevant to you
- My Courses, which shows your schedule, grades, finals and books for each quarter
- Personalized Financial Aid and MyEEE information
- Employee tools and links
- Various different fun and useful news feeds