Meeting Resources


Spring Session 5.21.24 – Provost Updates, Video Surveillance in Workspaces, and Academic Personnel Updates

At the Spring Quarter Department Chair Workshop, Provost Stern provided campus updates, and answered questions. Thea Bullock, Campus Privacy Official, presented on privacy and legal considerations before adding video surveillance in our workspaces. Marianne Beckett, Ilona Pak and colleagues from the Office of Research discussed the revisions to the Conflict of Commitment and Outside Professional Activities policy. Diane O’Dowd provided other Academic Personnel updates, including the new guidance on dean delegation of merit review procedures.

Presentation Slides: Privacy and Video Surveillance on Campus

Presentation Slides: Updates to Dean Delegated Merit Reviews

Handout: OATS and Conflict of Interest Policy Revisions

Winter Session 3.5.24 – Provost Budget Updates and Workshop on Navigating Challenging Conversations

Provost Stern provided campus budget updates, together with Mary Lou Ortiz and Katherine Gallardo. Negar Shekarabi facilitated a workshop on effective strategies for navigating challenging conversations to foster a collaborative and constructive environment within departments. Roxane Cohen Silver discussed the mental health resource guide.

UCI Financial Stability Plan:

Presentation Handout: Navigating Difficult Conversation 

Handout: Templates for High-Concern Communication

Supporting Student Mental Health Resource Guide:

Fall Session 11.15.23 – Provost, Academic Programs, and Academic Personnel Updates

Provost Stern provided campus updates and answered questions. Roxane Silver from Academic Planning discussed faculty awards and mental health resource guide. Dyonne Bergeron and Sharon Block from Office of Inclusive Excellence introduced their roles. Diane O’Dowd and Nina Bandelj provided Academic Personnel updates.

Presentation Handout: Awards and Honors for Faculty Best Practices 2023

Presentation Handout: Promoting a Culture of Awarding Faculty Achievements at UCI

Presentation Slides: Office of Inclusive Excellence Presentation

Presentation Slides: AP Updates


Spring Session 5.24.23 – Provost, Academic Personnel Updates, Pedagogical Wellness Resources and Anti-abusive Conduct Policy

Provost Stern provided campus updates and answered questions. Theresa Duong from Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation (DTEI) discussed UCI’s pedagogical wellness resources. Marianne Beckett discussed anti-abusive conduct policy and implementation. Diane O’Dowd provided Academic Personnel updates including streamlining AP review process and above scale merit.

Presentation Slides: Pedagogical Wellness Resources

Presentation Slides: Anti-abusive Conduct Policy

Presentation Slides: AP Updates

Winter Session 3.6.23 – Provost, Human Resources and Academic Personnel Updates

Provost Stern provided campus updates and answered questions. Ramona Agrela and Pamela James discussed HR campus plans for “Work Reimagined.” Marianne Beckett and Kristin Beattie discussed labor contract implementation updates. Diane O’Dowd provided updates on AP programs including Interim COVID Research Recovery Program, Sabbatical Return Request Program, and the Inclusive Excellence Supplement Hiring Program.

Presentation Slides: Work Reimagined

Presentation Slides: Labor Contract Implementation Updates

Presentation Slides: AP Updates

Fall Session 11.4.22 – Provost and Academic Personnel Updates and Managing in Unionized Environments

Provost Stern provided campus updates and answered questions. Marianne Beckett and Kristin Beattie provided labor bargaining updates and discussed strategies to manage departmental business in light of organized labor activity. Diane O’Dowd provided updates on the merit and promotion guidance for faculty in the Professors of Teaching series.


Spring Session 5.27.22 – Provost and Academic Personnel Updates and Leveraging Summer Session

Presentation Slides: AP Updates

Presentation Slides: Strategic Use of Summer Session

Winter Session 2.11.22 – Provost and Academic Personnel Updates and Service Equity Discussion
Fall Session 10.8.21 – Managing COVID-19 Matters in the Fall Quarter

Presentation Slides: COVID and AP File Reviews

Presentation Slides: Vaccine Compliance


Spring Session 5.20.21- Transition to Post-Pandemic Teaching
Winter Session 2.9.21 – Supporting Faculty Through Trauma-Informed Leadership
Fall Session 10.21.20 – COVID-19 Policy Compliance for Faculty and Other Academic Appointees


Spring Session 4.21.20 – Mental Health

Coordinator of Faculty and Staff Support Services, Negar Shekarabi presented on promoting student wellness and understanding factor that prevent faculty responding to distress.

Download Presentation (PDF)

Winter Session 1.28.20 – Risk Management and Working with Difficult Faculty

The Chancellor and Provost discussed the importance of faculty diversity.

The Chancellor and Provost discussed the importance of faculty diversity.
Fall Session 10.17.19 – Campus Counsel’s to UCI


Spring Session 4.23.19 – Overview of COMPASS Department Chair’s Report

Winter Session 1.29.19 – Faculty Diversity

Fall Session 10.23.18 – Mental Health Care and Respondent Services


Spring Session 4.17.18 – Mentoring

Presentor and Facilitator: Nancy Shemick, Coro Foundation, recently conducted interviews with UC Irvine department chairs. She facilitated open discussion exploring current strengths and challenges in mentoring junior and mid-career faculty.


Winter Session 1.30.18 – Running an Effective Department Meeting

Expert and UCI faculty member Lisa Barron presented about running an effective department meeting. Expert and UCI faculty member Lisa Barron presented about running an effective department meeting.

Download Presentation (PDF)


Further Reading:
The Skilled Facilitator  by Roger Schwarz (for more on advocacy and inquiry – several copies available at UCI Library)

Fall Session 10.24.17 – Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies

Michael Dennin, Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning, and team facilitated discussion of evidence-based teaching strategies.



Spring Session 4.18.17 – Budget

Meredith Michaels and Katherine Gallardo shared information about the campus budget.

Winter Session 1.31.17 – Mentoring

Diane O’Dowd moderated large and small group discussion of mentoring


  • Gary Busby, Chair, Department of Drama
  • Vicki Ruiz, Chair, Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
  • Andre van der Hoek, Chair, Department of Informatics


Fall Session 11.1.16 – Managing New Faculty, Difficult Faculty, and Department Culture Change

Diane O’Dowd moderated large and small group discussion of department leadership issues including strategies for promotion of a collegial atmosphere.


  • Stephen Barker, Dean, Claire Trevor School of the Arts
  • Julia Lupton, Associate Dean, School of Humanities
  • Rossella Santagata, Faculty Director of Teacher Education
  • Marcelo Wood, Chair, Department of Neurobiology & Behavior



Spring Session 4.26.16 – Department Chair Leadership

Presentation by Walt Gmelch, University of San Francisco, who has served in the roles of dean, associate dean, department chair and professor. Dr. Gmelch is an educator, management consultant, university administrator, and former business executive. He presented a brief overview of best practices and led attendees in small group exercises and discussion of case studies. 

Download Presentation (PDF)

Winter Session 1.26.16 – Managing Faculty Mental Health

Speaker Rich Paul (Partner  Paul,  Plevin,  Sullivan,  and Connaughton  LLP) is a nationally recognized employment attorney who has experience in representing management for over 30 years with a special emphasis on representing institutions of higher education, including UC. He presented a brief overview of best practices and led attendees in small group exercises and discussion of case studies.

Download Presentation (PDF)


Fall Session 12.8.15 – Managing Difficult Faculty Members

Speaker Rich Paul (Partner  Paul,  Plevin,  Sullivan,  and Connaughton  LLP) is a nationally recognized employment attorney who has experience in representing management for over 30 years with a special emphasis on representing institutions of higher education, including UC. He presented a brief overview of best practices and led attendees in small group exercises and discussion of case studies.

Download Presentation (PDF)