As the result of a campus-wide audit, this document outlines the guidelines for School of Medicine faculty who hold administrative appointments.
Associate Deans
Compensation components for determining Associate Deans compensation are (retirement base-building) stipend, salary shortfall, and clinical time buy-out.
Department Chairs
Basic Science Departments: Chairs of basic science departments receive compensation in the form of (retirement base-building) stipends and salary shortfall funds in support of their total negotiated salaries (TNS).
Clinical Science Departments: Chairs of clinical departments receive compensation as part of their salary, replacing salary that would have been provided from clinical service. For this reason, they do not receive stipends. The amount of compensation is based on the size and complexity of the department along with AAMC benchmarks and UC market data for salaries of clinical chairs. The compensation is provided as a Y component that is not base building towards retirement.
Administrative Stipend Limit
The stipend maximum for all titles has been increased to $25,000, effective July 1, 2019.
Key Points
Due to the complexity of the administration of the Heath Sciences Compensation Plan, departments should be advised to contact their Financial Business Officer for instructions on how to administer each proposed option stated above.
Incentives, such as stipends, salary shortfalls, and clinical service replacement salaries (aka clinical time buy-outs) will be at the discretion of the Dean. All compensation components, including new augmentations up to the maximum, should be funded from the College/School/Department/Program budget.
Approval of compensation within the above-stated guidelines for these faculty administrators is delegated to the dean. Any exceptions to the compensation models outlined above are subject to the review and approval of the Vice Provost-Academic Personnel and will require approval prior to the effective date.
Grandfathering Existing Appointment Commitments
Any existing administrative appointment commitment will be grandfathered until a modification to appointment or the end of the current appointment period. Any request for reappointment or modification will need to comply with the guidelines.
New Appointments
For new faculty administrator appointments, a copy of the appointment letter (including all forms of compensation) will be forwarded to the Office of Academic Personnel via Dean’s office within one month of the appointment. Modifications to existing appointments will also require a copy of the documentation to the Office of Academic Personnel.
UC Path
With the transition to UC Path, there might be further changes that will require additional guidance in the future.
If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact Executive Director Sheila Morris via email at
Diane K. O’Dowd
Vice Provost for Academic Personnel