Negotiated Salary Trial Program (NSTP) – Contingency Fund

ACADEMIC DEANSDEPARTMENT CHAIRS Contingency Fund Report As a part of the required annual reporting for administering the Negotiated Salary Trial Program, the Academic Personnel Office is gathering data regarding your school’s contingency fund. Please report your current contingency fund balance and any contingency funds used, including each faculty’s name, amount, duration of time and the…Continue Reading Negotiated Salary Trial Program (NSTP) – Contingency Fund

Issuance of Revisions to Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Section 758, Leaves of Absence/Other Leaves with Pay (APM- 758)

ACADEMIC DEANS DEPARTMENT CHAIRS The following is an issuance of revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM) 758, Leaves of Absence/Other Leaves with Pay. The revised policy is effective January 1, 2024 and can be found on the Academic Personnel and Programs website or at APM 758, Leaves of Absence/Other Leaves with Pay. The revisions add reproductive loss…Continue Reading Issuance of Revisions to Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Section 758, Leaves of Absence/Other Leaves with Pay (APM- 758)

Department Recommendation Letter

ACADEMIC DEANSDEPARTMENT CHAIRS As schools and departments/units continue to assemble dossiers for the current review cycle, I write to share important reminders and provide clarity when drafting and preparing departmental recommendation letters. The department recommendation letter may be written by a departmental committee, as departmental procedures stipulate, and signed by a non-conflicted committee chair. The…Continue Reading Department Recommendation Letter

Campus Call for Nominations to Fill the Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr. Endowed Chair

ACADEMIC DEANSDEPARTMENT CHAIRS I am pleased to issue a call for nominations for the Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr. Endowed Chair. The Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr. Endowed Chair was established in 1984 in recognition of the contributions made to the campus by its founding chancellor.  The chair’s purpose is to honor an outstanding scholar and teacher of the…Continue Reading Campus Call for Nominations to Fill the Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr. Endowed Chair

Unit 18 Faculty Professional Development Fund Pool

DEANSDEPARTMENT CHAIRS As part of the current collective bargaining agreement between the University and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), each UC campus has provided a Professional Development Fund Pool for Unit-18 faculty covered by the agreement. All Unit-18 faculty appointees with a current appointment during the 2023-2024 academic year are eligible to apply for the…Continue Reading Unit 18 Faculty Professional Development Fund Pool

Systemwide Review of Proposed Academic Personnel Manual (APM) – 285, Lecturer with Security of Employment Series

The University of California Office of the President invites comments on the following proposed policy: The policy is proposed to be revised and includes the following key revisions: The proposed APM – 285 is posted to the Academic Personnel and Programs website. This policy is being circulated to affected faculty and non-represented non-Senate academic appointees for review…Continue Reading Systemwide Review of Proposed Academic Personnel Manual (APM) – 285, Lecturer with Security of Employment Series

Issuance of Revisions to Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Section 710, Leaves of Absence/Sick Leave/Medical Leave (APM- 710)

ACADEMIC DEANSDEPARTMENT CHAIRS The following is an issuance of revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM) 710, Leaves of Absence/Sick Leave/Medical Leave. The revised policy is effective immediately and can be found on the Academic Personnel and Programs website or at APM 710, Leaves of Absence/Sick Leave/Medical Leave. The revised policy reflects the following revisions: Should you have any questions,…Continue Reading Issuance of Revisions to Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Section 710, Leaves of Absence/Sick Leave/Medical Leave (APM- 710)

Implementation of Leave Reporting for Graduate Student Researchers, Teaching Assistants, and Associate Instructors

DEANSDEPARTMENT CHAIRSINSTRUCTIONAL FACULTYPRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORSASSISTANT DEANSCHIEF PERSONNEL OFFICERS The new Graduate Student Researchers (GSR) and Academic Student Employees (ASE) labor contracts provide enhanced paid leave benefits, and the Office of the President has mandated that all campuses implement leave recording processes to ensure these paid leave benefits are implemented consistently across the system. The University has…Continue Reading Implementation of Leave Reporting for Graduate Student Researchers, Teaching Assistants, and Associate Instructors

Systemwide Review of Proposed Academic Personnel Manual (APM) – 672, Negotiated Salary Program

The University invites comments on the following proposed policy: Summarized below are the proposed key policy provisions that are being distributed for systemwide review. Key Policy Provisions The purpose of the Negotiated Salary Program (NSP) is to provide a mechanism for participating campuses to augment faculty compensation on a temporary basis according to the competitive…Continue Reading Systemwide Review of Proposed Academic Personnel Manual (APM) – 672, Negotiated Salary Program

Redelegation of Authority for Academic Coordinator Titles and Academic Administrator Series

Effective with the 2023-2024 academic review cycle, I am delegating to the deans the authority to approve the following actions for Academic Coordinator Titles and Academic Administrator Series: All actions you approve must be consistent with current systemwide and campus policies and must be reported to the Office of Academic Personnel within 30 days of…Continue Reading Redelegation of Authority for Academic Coordinator Titles and Academic Administrator Series