PPS Freeze: Unit 18 Range Adjustment

Monday, July 2, 2018 — Friday, July 6, 2018 In accordance with the contractual agreement between the University Council – American Federation of Teachers (UC-AFT) and the University of California, salary rates for Unit 18 Non-Senate Faculty (NSF) titles are subject to a general range adjustment increase of 2.5 percent effective July 1, 2018. The…Continue Reading PPS Freeze: Unit 18 Range Adjustment

Postdoctoral Scholar Salary Scale

Pursuant to the Postdoctoral Scholars’ Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the University of California and the UAW union, Article 4, Compensation, the University salary scales for Postdoctoral Scholar salary/stipend minimum rates have been adjusted in accordance with the newly revised fiscal year 2018 National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award stipend…Continue Reading Postdoctoral Scholar Salary Scale

Use of Titles of Distinction

[su_note note_color=”#dbe2ed”] May 17, 2018 ACADEMIC DEANS AND DEPARTMENT CHAIRS RE:   Use of Titles of Distinction on the UCI Campus I am pleased to share with you the following revisions regarding use of titles of distinction on our campus. Faculty at Above-Scale will be extended the title of Distinguished Professor (effective July 1, 2018). Individual…Continue Reading Use of Titles of Distinction

Call for Nominations for the UCI-Scholars at Risk (SAR) Sponsorship Program

DEANS ASSOCIATE DEANS ASSISTANT DEANS EQUITY ADVISORS CHIEF PERSONNEL OFFICERS We are pleased to announce a 3 Year Pilot Program to appoint international scholars at risk for one year visiting appointments whereby scholars may pursue their academic careers under conditions of academic and personal freedom. The Provost Office will match funds to support scholars raised…Continue Reading Call for Nominations for the UCI-Scholars at Risk (SAR) Sponsorship Program

Pet Insurance Now Available for all UCI Employees

UCI has partnered with Nationwide® to offer discounted pet insurance effective February 1, 2018 to all UCI employees. Nationwide’s pet insurance program was founded by veterinarians, and is the oldest and largest pet insurance program in the U.S. Coverage is available for dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, and exotic pets. Members are free to use any…Continue Reading Pet Insurance Now Available for all UCI Employees

Unit 18 Professional Development Funds

[su_note note_color=”#dbe2ed”] December 15, 2017 NON-SENATE INSTRUCTIONAL UNIT (UNIT 18) APPOINTEES RE:   Professional Development Funds As part of the current Memorandum of Understanding between the University and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), each campus has provided a Professional Development Fund for Non-Senate Instructional Faculty covered by the agreement.  For the 2017-2018 year, at the…Continue Reading Unit 18 Professional Development Funds

UC to begin reverifying family member eligibility for health benefits this spring

In April, Secova, Inc., working with UC Human Resources, will begin reaching out to certain employees and retirees to reverify the eligibility of some dependents for health and welfare benefits. If you are selected as part of this reverification process, Secova will request information verifying the current eligibility of your spouse or domestic partner, grandchildren…Continue Reading UC to begin reverifying family member eligibility for health benefits this spring

Policy Revision – Retirement Contributions on Academic Appointee Summer Salary

The revisions to this APM section align policy for administering summer salary benefits for all faculty and academic appointees with the new retirement plan options that became available to those employed on July 1, 2016 or later.  APM 190, Appendix G is effective November 1, 2016….Continue Reading Policy Revision – Retirement Contributions on Academic Appointee Summer Salary