In an effort to streamline the Multi-Location Appointment (MLA) and Interlocation One-Time Payment (OTP) process across all UC campuses, the UC Office of the President has developed a new combined MLA and OTP form. This combined form replaces the UPAY 560T (Temporary Inter-Location or Multi-Location Appointment form) and the UPAY 644C-T (Interlocation One-Time Payment Form) and should be used for all interlocation appointments between two campuses. Please continue to use the UCI-AP-70 for UCI only one-time payment requests.
Effective immediately, all units should begin utilizing the new multi-purpose MLA/OTP form, see attached. The new multi-purpose MLA/OTP form (U560/640) can also be located on the Academic Personnel website, UC Net website, or via direct link here.
In order to facilitate a smooth transition, there will be a grace period until May 31, 2023 in which our office and UCPath will continue to accept the currently published MLA or OTP forms if submitted.
Please note that no changes are being made to the current routing approval processes for MLA and OTP requests. With the implementation of the new form, we will continue to follow the current business process for routing the combined form for approvals.
Please further distribute this communication to the appropriate people in your department/unit. If you have questions regarding the implementation of the new form, please contact Anna Avila, Principal Compensation Analyst, at
Office of Academic Personnel