The President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (PPFP) provides a five-year advance on faculty FTE to campuses that hire current or former President’s or Chancellor’s postdoctoral fellows into ladder-rank faculty positions. The start-up hiring incentive, for fellows in STEM fields, is no longer available. This summer, the Office of the President has confirmed that the hiring incentive…Continue Reading President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Hiring Incentive and Program Goals
Year: 2019
Systemwide Review of Proposed Policy Revisions to Academic Personnel Manual
[su_note note_color=”#dbe2ed” text_color=”#000000″] Section 230, Visiting Appointments (APM-230) The University invites comments on a proposed revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Section 230, Visiting Appointments. The proposed revisions reflect changes made to comply with a stipulated agreement (the “Stipulation”) between the University of California and the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of…Continue Reading Systemwide Review of Proposed Policy Revisions to Academic Personnel Manual
External Letters for Appointment, Advancement and Promotion
[su_note note_color=”#dbe2ed” text_color=”#000000″] Changes Enacted for the 2019-2020 Academic Year Number of Required Letters CAP/AP’s new recommendation is 4-5 (instead of 5-7) analytic letters for Appointment, Advancement to Above-Scale, or Promotion to Associate or Full Professor/Clinical X/ In Residence, or equivalent positions (including Professor of Teaching series). At least three letters must be department-nominated…Continue Reading External Letters for Appointment, Advancement and Promotion
Inclusive Excellence Supplement Call 2019-20
[su_note note_color=”#dbe2ed” text_color=”#000000″] Rationale The Provost’s office will make available central funding to support commitments to inclusive excellence in faculty hiring based on the candidates’ diversity statements. Deans can apply for an “inclusive excellence supplement” to help recruit faculty, identified through a standard department-based search, who contribute significantly to the goal of inclusive excellence based…Continue Reading Inclusive Excellence Supplement Call 2019-20
Unit 18 NSF and Non-Represented Academics Range Adjustment COMPLETE
The academic range adjustment for the Unit 18 Non-Senate Faculty and non-represented academics is now complete. Units may again begin to enter appointments and update other actions for all Unit 18 Non-Senate Faculty and non-represented academics. Updated academic salary scales can be found at: Next Steps REVIEW It’s critical that you review and…Continue Reading Unit 18 NSF and Non-Represented Academics Range Adjustment COMPLETE
PPS Freeze Continues for Unit 18 NSF and Non-Represented Academics Range Adjustment
Freeze continues for Unit 18 Non-Senate Faculty and Non-Represented Academics The academic range adjustment for the Unit 18 Non-Senate Faculty and non-represented academics has not been completed. We have run into some programming issues for the Unit 18 NSF and non-represented academics and would ask that you continue to keep the following populations frozen until otherwise…Continue Reading PPS Freeze Continues for Unit 18 NSF and Non-Represented Academics Range Adjustment
2019-20 Academic Salary Program
In accordance with guidelines issued by the Office of the President, the University of California is implementing the following salary increases. The current salary in PPS will be used to apply the respective salary increase. Deans and full-time faculty administrators will be eligible for a 3% increase on their administrative salary effective July 1, 2019….Continue Reading 2019-20 Academic Salary Program
PPS Freeze: Unit 18 NSF and Non-Represented Academic Range Adjustment
Wednesday, July 17, 2019 — Monday, July 22, 2019 In accordance with guidelines issued by the Office of the President, the University of California is implementing a 3% across-the-board salary increase for Unit 18 Non-Senate Faculty and Non-Represented Academics effective 7/1/2019. The current salary in PPS will be used to apply the respective salary increase….Continue Reading PPS Freeze: Unit 18 NSF and Non-Represented Academic Range Adjustment
PPS Entry/Update Timing Academic Emeritus and Recall Appointments
As we near the end of the academic year, we would like to clarify the PPS processing procedures for academic appointees who are retiring and/or will be eligible for an Emeritus or Recall appointment. EMERITUS STATUS An honorary title conferred upon all eligible Senate academics following retirement. Since it is not considered “employment,” department preparers…Continue Reading PPS Entry/Update Timing Academic Emeritus and Recall Appointments
Texas Tech University National Registry of Diverse & Strategic Faculty – UCI Subscription
[su_note note_color=”#dbe2ed”]We are excited to inform you of UCI’s subscription to the Texas Tech University National Registry of Diverse & Strategic Faculty database. This subscription offers a searchable database of diverse candidates, plus unlimited position listings for a full calendar year. Having access to sites such as this can greatly enhance our ability to expand and…Continue Reading Texas Tech University National Registry of Diverse & Strategic Faculty – UCI Subscription