RE: New Academic Personnel Policy – Recall for Academic Appointees, Academic Personnel Manual (APM) 205
The Office of the President has issued a new Academic Personnel Policy, Recall for Academic Appointees, APM 205, effective February 24, 2012. APM-205 provides campuses with the flexibility to recall retired academic appointees to active University service. The new university-wide recall policy can be found in APM 205: and local campus recall procedures can be found in Academic Personnel Procedures (APP) 5-01:
Academic appointees who have retired from the university may be recalled to active service, for a term appointment. Recall may be for teaching, research and/or administrative service. A minimum 30-day break in service after the date of retirement is required before a recall appointment begins. Recall appointments are normally approved for only one year at a time and are self-terminating. In cases where an academic is engaged in a long-term research project with secure funding, multi-year appointments will be considered. Recall appointments may not exceed a total of 43 percent time per month, inclusive of all recall appointments at any UC campus.
Campus guidelines for processing academic recall appointments can be found in APP 5-01. The guidelines and examples of the more common recall appointment scenarios can also be found in APP 5-01. A new form to facilitate recall appointments is also provided (UCI-AP-57). Please keep in mind that these guidelines and form are effective immediately.
I would also like to remind you that, as part of the recall re-employment process, all recalled retirees receiving UCRP retirement income, must be provided with the option to either waive future accruals of UC Retirement Plan service credit or to become an active member accruing additional benefits, should the employee become eligible during the new appointment. The waiver form should be provided to all recalled academic appointees with each new and subsequent appointment, as appropriate: The completed form should be sent to Human Resources Benefits, ZOT Code 4600.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the staff in the Office of Academic Personnel at 824-7175.
Herbert P. Killackey
Vice Provost
Cc: Chief Personnel Officers, Department Managers, Academic Personnel [/su_note]