UCI Unit 18 Faculty are covered by a collective bargaining agreement between the Regents of the University of California and the University Council, American Federation of Teachers (UC-AFT). The agreement between the Regents and the UC-AFT can be found at the University of California website: https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/resources/employment-policies-contracts/bargaining-units/non-senate-instructional/contract/.

Forms and Checklists

Checklist Matrix By Series

CategoryForm TypeForm Number
Pre-Six Lecturer Appointment & Reappointment Form
Assessments of individual Unit 18 for reappointment are to be made on the basis of demonstrated competence in the field, ability in teaching, academic responsibility and other assigned duties that may include University co-curricular and community service.
Statement of Interest in Reappointment Consideration
Pre-Six Unit 18 faculty interested in reappointment consideration must submit by the due date specified on the form.
Supplemental Assignment Form
Temporary, additional assignments that may be given to pre-six Unit 18 faculty for a specified duration.
Continuing Lecturer Checklist – Excellence, Merit, Sr. Continuing Promotion, Sr. Continuing Merit Reviews UCI-AP-IX3
Excellence Review FormUCI-AP-IX4
Merit Review FormUCI-AP-IX5
Promotion to Sr. Continuing Lecturer FormUCI-AP-IX13
Certification StatementUCI-AP-50
Continuing Appointment FormUCI-AP-IX7
Temporary Augmentation FormUCI-AP-IX8
Documentation SummaryUCI-AP-IX9
If letters are
solicited for file
External Referee Identification FormUCI-AP-IX10