We encourage individuals in the UCI community (including faculty, staff, and students) to report issues the Office of Academic Personnel is responsible for administrating using the following mechanisms:  

The Office of Academic Personnel is responsible for assessing allegations of conduct by UCI academic appointees believed to be abusive conduct under the UC Presidential Policy on Abusive Conduct in the Workplace (“Abusive Conduct Policy”). 

Policies and Procedures:

  1. Presidential Policy for Abusive Conduct in the Workplace
  2. UCI Administrative Policies and Procedures Sec. 700-33: Implementing Procedure for Presidential Policy on Abusive Conduct in the Workplace

How to Report:

  1. An individual may report, and remain anonymous, conduct believed to constitute Abusive Conduct as follows:
    1. Abusive Conduct complaint against UCI academic appointees can be reported HERE.
    2. Abusive Conduct complaint against UCI staff can be reported HERE.
    3. For conduct involving students not acting in the course of University employment, individuals may contact the Office of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct: conduct@uci.edu or https://aisc.uci.edu/resources/reporting.php.
    4. Alternatively, an individual may report conduct believed to constitute Abusive Conduct to a supervisor, any manager, any Human Resources (HR) representative, the Office of Academic Personnel, or a Workforce Relations staff member.
  2. Reports will be responded to as described below:
    1. For complaints involving Faculty and/or other academic appointee respondents, AP will conduct a preliminary review of the allegation to determine how to proceed and whether an investigation is warranted.
    2. For complaints involving staff respondents, the HR triage process will be utilized.
    3. For complaints involving student respondents not acting in the course of University employment, Office of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct (OAISC) will apply student codes of conduct and procedures.

The Vice Provost of Academic Personnel serves as the Chancellor’s designee in review for administrating disciplinary actions against academic senate faculty.

Policies and Procedures:

  1. APM-015: The Faculty Code of Conduct
  2. APM-016: University Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline
  3. UCI Policies and Procedures on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline

How to Report:

  1. Faculty Code of Conduct Complaint Form
  1. Accessibility and Other Accommodations
    UC Irvine is committed to creating and maintaining an environment that is accessible to all members of the UCI community and in which all persons who participate in University programs and activities can work and learn together in an atmosphere free of all forms of discrimination and harassment.
  2. Campus Assault Resources and Education (CARE)
    UCI CARE provides free and confidential support services to members of the UCI community who have been impacted by sexual assault, relationship abuse, family violence and/or stalking.  Programs and services are available to people of all identities and regardless of status.
  3. Complainant Support Services 
    The University is committed to providing support and guidance for UCI community members affected by alleged sexual violence, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking. The coordinator will assist faculty and staff Complainants in navigating the personal, professional and disciplinary impacts of experiencing the alleged misconduct, as well as help them understand their rights and the reporting process.
  4. Counseling Center
    As a service to the campus community, the Counseling Center is available in a crisis situation to help assess needs and make referrals for personal counseling on a limited basis. In addition, the Counseling Center provides consultation to faculty and staff about distressed and distressing students. 
  5. Life Resources Program (LRP)
    The UCI Life Resources Program is a free, voluntary, completely confidential employee assistance program available 24/7 in multiple formats to support all UCI and UCI Health employees, retirees, and their dependents provided by ComPsych GuidanceResources.
  6. Office of the Ombuds
    The Office of the Ombuds provides a safe and comfortable environment to discuss complaints, concerns or problems confidentially.