Revised APP 7-42 and APM – 760 for Professor and Professor of Teaching Series

[su_note note_color=”#dbe2ed” text_color=”#000000″] ACADEMIC DEANS DEPARTMENT CHAIRS Revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM) 760 APM –760, Family Accommodations for Childbearing and Childrearing The revised policy was issued effective August 7, 2018. Revisions to APM – 760 are technical changes to equalize the active service-modified duties periods between semester and quarter campuses. An academic appointee who is…Continue Reading Revised APP 7-42 and APM – 760 for Professor and Professor of Teaching Series

Revised Academic Personnel Policies

We would like to inform you that the following Academic Personnel Policies have been revised: APM – 230, Visiting Appointments APM – 650, Technical Assistant Projects APM – 028, Guidelines for Disclosure and Review of Financial Interest in Private Sponsors of Research APM – 110 Academic Personnel Definitions APM – 112,…Continue Reading Revised Academic Personnel Policies

Revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM) – 760, Family Accommodations for Childbearing and Childrearing and Funding for Teaching Release for Birth of Adoption of Child(ren) — for Professor and LSOE Series

[su_note note_color=”#dbe2ed” text_color=”#000000″] Revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM) 760 APM –760, Family Accommodations for Childbearing and Childrearing The revised policy was issued effective August 7, 2018. Revisions to APM – 760 are technical changes to equalize the active service-modified duties periods between semester and quarter campuses. An academic appointee who is a birth mother and…Continue Reading Revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM) – 760, Family Accommodations for Childbearing and Childrearing and Funding for Teaching Release for Birth of Adoption of Child(ren) — for Professor and LSOE Series

AP Review Enhancements

[su_note note_color=”#dbe2ed”]April 1, 2019 We are excited to announce a few updates to the AP Review system released today. File List Filtering An enhancement has been added to the Review Files list that will allow users to filter the list by: Senate or Non-Senate files Department(s) School(s) Titles(s) Action(s) File Status(es) Users can also create…Continue Reading AP Review Enhancements

LSOE Series Working Title

[su_note note_color=”#dbe2ed” text_color=”#000000″] LECTURER WITH POTENTIAL FOR SECURITY OF EMPLOYMENT (LPSOE) SENIOR/LECTURER WITH SECURITY OF EMPLOYMENT (Sr./LSOE)   We have the results of the anonymous poll that all LSOE faculty were invited to participate in to determine the new working title. The majority selected “Professor of Teaching,” which will now be the official campus working…Continue Reading LSOE Series Working Title

Administrative Compensation for Faculty Administrators

ACADEMIC DEANS- SCHOOL OF MEDICINE As the result of a campus-wide audit, this document outlines the guidelines for School of Medicine faculty who hold administrative appointments. Associate Deans Compensation components for determining Associate Deans compensation are (retirement base-building) stipend, salary shortfall, and clinical time buy-out. Department Chairs Basic Science Departments: Chairs of basic science departments…Continue Reading Administrative Compensation for Faculty Administrators

Administrative Compensation for Faculty Administrators (Positions Less Than 100%)

ACADEMIC DEANS — GENERAL CAMPUS As the result of a campus-wide audit, we are updating our guidelines for faculty who hold less than a 100% administrative appointment. Associate Deans Options for determining Associate Dean compensation remains unchanged but has been expanded to include individuals in the Associate Vice Provost title. Appointment into the Associate Vice…Continue Reading Administrative Compensation for Faculty Administrators (Positions Less Than 100%)

Negotiated Salary Trial Program Call for Compensation Requests

[su_note note_color=”#dbe2ed”] October 22, 2018 The Irvine Campus will continue to participate in the Negotiated Salary Trial Program (NSTP) during the 2019-20 academic year. Schools and academic units may establish their own internal deadlines, however, all completed requests must be submitted electronically to the Office of Academic Personnel ( by no later than 5:00 p.m….Continue Reading Negotiated Salary Trial Program Call for Compensation Requests

Administrative Compensation for Faculty Administrators (Positions Less Than 100%)

ACADEMIC DEANS — GENERAL CAMPUS As the result of a campus-wide audit, we are updating our guidelines for faculty who hold less than a 100% administrative appointment. Associate Deans Options for determining Associate Dean compensation remains unchanged but has been expanded to include individuals in the Associate Vice Provost title.  Appointment into the Associate Vice…Continue Reading Administrative Compensation for Faculty Administrators (Positions Less Than 100%)

Process for Voluntary Intracampus Transfers

We have updated APP 3-10: Appointment Policies, section D. Voluntary Intracampus Transfers. Instances arise where faculty members request that they and their positions be transferred from one unit to another on campus. Our updated section outlines the step by step process. Please share this process with your Deans, Chairs, and department staff personnel. If you…Continue Reading Process for Voluntary Intracampus Transfers