[su_button url=”https://ap.uci.edu/files/2016/11/Revised-Policy-Announcement_2015.pdf” style=”soft” size=”4″ radius=”5″ icon=”icon: print”]Print Version[/su_button]
[su_note note_color=”#dbe2ed”] August 24, 2015
RE: Academic Personnel Policies – 133-17-g-j; 210-1-c-4; 220-18-b; 706-30-a; 210-1-d; 080; 670; 290; 510; Section IV (600 Series); APM – 190, Appendix A; Copyright and Fair Use Policy; Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence
The following Academic Personnel Policies have been revised:
The revisions to four separate APM sections strengthen these important and longstanding University policies and clarify a range of reasons for which faculty may request and receive approval to stop the tenure clock. While current policy provides for an automatic exclusion from service limitations when leave is related to childbearing and childcare, a faculty member may now request to stop the clock for a serious personal health condition, for illness of or for bereavement of a family member, or other significant event.
There are two different kinds of approval procedures described in policy: 1) an automatic approval when the request is related to childbearing and childrearing, and 2) an application process accompanied by appropriate documentation when the request is related to a serious health condition (including disability) or bereavement or other significant circumstance or event.
Other changes to policy include new language confirming that all evidence produced during the probationary period, including the period of extension, counts in the evaluation of a candidate’s review file. Language removes from APM – 760-30-a the child’s five-year age limit for an academic appointee to qualify for an extension of the eight-year rule. New language permits stopping the clock when any child becomes part of the faculty member’s family and when an assistant professor who is newly hired arrives on campus with a child.
APM – 210-1-d, Review and Appraisal Committees
Efforts to clarify APM 210 language regarding evaluation of contributions to diversity in merit and promotion reviews have included consultation with the Academic Senate and campus administration. New language clarifies the intent of the existing language and strengthens the principle that diversity functions as a component of excellence at the University of California.
The purpose of APM – 080 is to provide a non-disciplinary method to medically separate a faculty member or other academic appointee who has exhausted eligible leave and who remains unable to perform the essential functions of his/her position or another vacant position on the campus for which the appointee is qualified, with or without reasonable accommodation, due to a disability or medical condition.
Revisions to the policy 1) bring APM – 080 into conformance with Regents Standing Order 101.1 (b ), Employment Status, 2) clarify authority to medically separate faculty with and without tenure or security of employment and appointees who are not members of the Academic Senate, and 3) update language so that it is congruent with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
A Medical Separation toolkit has also been provided and is intended to serve as a reference manual to be employed by faculty and staff involved in the process of medically separating an academic appointee. The toolkit can be found online at: http://www.ucop.edu/academic-personnel-programs/_files/apm/apm-080-issuance/apm-080-toolkit.pdf.
APM – 670, Health Sciences Compensation Plan
APM – 670, Appendix B, Guidelines on Occasional Professional Activities by Health Sciences
Compensation Plan Participants is now replaced by APM- 671, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Health Sciences Compensation Plan Participants. APM – 670, Appendix B no longer applies to any faculty members and thus should be retired.
APM – 290, Regents’ Professors and Regents’ Lecturers, APM – 510, Intercampus Transfers, and APM Section IV, Salary Administration (APM – 600 Series)
Simultaneous revision to the 20 policies in APM – 290, 510, and IV (600 series) was prompted in part by the UC Path initiative so that procedural information contained within the policies is up-to-date, clear, and consistent from policy to policy. For policy issuance letter and links to the APM sections: http://www.ucop.edu/academic-personnel-programs/academic-personnel-policy/policy-issuances-and-guidelines/apm-290-510-600-series.html.
Presidential Policies:
APM – 190, Appendix A, Whistleblower Policy and Whistleblower Protection Policy
Academic personnel are covered by the University of California Whistleblower Policy and Whistleblower Protection Policy, which are Presidential Policies covering all faculty and other academic appointees, students, and staff. Former APM – 190, Appendices A-1 and A-2 are replaced with Appendix A, referring readers to the Presidential Policy. The Presidential Policies are available at: http://policy.ucop.edu/doc/1100171 and http://policy.ucop.edu/doc/1100563. Future revisions to these Policies will be circulated under standard procedures for Presidential Policies; the review will also include circulation under the standard APM review process, with final authority resting with the President.
This policy replaces the UC Policy on the Reproduction of Copyrighted Materials for Teaching and Research. The Copyright and Fair Use Policy asserts and clarifies the University’s support for the fair use of scholarly and educational material as permitted in U.S. Copyright Law and is aligned with the needs of the administration, faculty, staff, and students. A detailed guidance website has been developed to assist with Copyright and Fair Use questions, and it can be found at http://copyright.universityofcalifornia.edu.
Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence
An interim Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence policy is provided in order to meet our obligations while we continue to engage our University community in discussion and reviews around the Policy. This interim policy reflects the necessary requirements of the final Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) regulations as well as the requirements of Senate Bill 767 that was enacted last year. It also includes those policy decisions made as a result of the recommendations from the Task Force on Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence and Sexual Assault.
If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact the Academic Personnel analyst assigned to your school.
Diane K. O’Dowd
Vice Provost for Academic Personnel
cc: Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Lavernia, Chief Personnel Officer, Department Managers [/su_note]