Academic Summer Salary information for 2024 has now been updated on the AP website.


The 2024 summer service period begins June 17, 2024, and ends September 20, 2024.

Please continue to refer to the Academic Personnel Procedures (APP) when processing summer salary.

  • APP 9-50 provides an overview and description of additional compensation guidelines,
  • APP 9-51 describes summer salary jobs and salary calculations,
  • APP 9-52 gives detailed guidance on UCPath Entry/Update.

These sections are to be used in conjunction with the appropriate sections of the UCPath Transactional Users page. This page serves as a resource for Initiators and Approvers and provides additional guidance to assist with UCPath transactions.


Please use the updated 2024 Summer Salary Worksheet. A reference guide to assist in completing the worksheet can be found here.


  • If a faculty member has received approval to participate in the Negotiated Salary Trial Program (NSTP), be sure to use the Total UC Salary (TUCS) when calculating summer salary.
  • Be sure that appropriate approvals have been received prior to UCPath entry/update of summer salary jobs. 
  • For faculty who have received their dean’s approval for a third ninth of summer salary, it is possible to work 57 days between 7/1/24 and 9/20/24.
  • There are two ways to set up summer salary in UCPath, (1) effort bearing (concurrent hire), (2) non-effort bearing (additional pay)
  • Update Position and Job attributes as needed (i.e., job codes, salary admin plan, and earn codes) for concurrent jobs.
  • Refer to the Unpaid Cap Gap job aid for faculty who are not fully funding their salary above an agency cap.


Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) (includes NIH, HRSA, AHRQ, CDC, DMS, SAMSA, and other agencies)

The current salary cap is set at the Executive Level II for awards issued on or after January 1, 2024:

 Current Salary Cap
 (January 1, 2024, to Present)
 Previous Salary Cap
(January 1, 2023 to December 31,2023)
 $221,900 annual capped salary
 $18,491.67 monthly capped salary
 $212,100 annual capped salary
 $17,675 monthly capped salary

Please direct any questions regarding the DHHS salary cap to the Contracts and Grant Officer assigned to your unit.


Be sure to update earn codes in Job Earning Distribution (JED) or Additional Pay when entering transactions for summer salary.

  • ACA – Used for all academic-year (AY) eligible faculty who serve in an administrative capacity (e.g., Chair) during the summer. Payment is at the 1/9th rate of pay. Only AY academic appointees who are members of UCRP are eligible for the employer/employee 403(b) contribution on summer salary.
  • ACR – Used for academic-year eligible faculty who are paid for summer additional compensation for research; payment is at the 1/9th rate. Only AY academic appointees who are members of UCRP are eligible for the employer/employee 403(b) contribution on summer salary.  
  • AFR – Used for exceptional one-twelfth of annual salary for fiscal year (FY) academic appointees for research performed in lieu of vacation days; appropriate number of accrued vacation days must be charged. For FY academic appointees, they are NOT eligible for the employer/employee UC 403(b) contribution on summer salary.
  • GAP – to be used with when the cap gap will not be fully covered. UCPath will not pay the amount associated with this earn code.


The total contribution rate is 7% of eligible summer salary, based on an employee pretax contribution of 3.5% and an employer matching contribution of 3.5%. This means a 3.5% employee out-of-pocket, pretax deduction, matched by an equal amount assessed to the fund source(s) used to pay the summer salary payment(s), for a total of 7% credited to the employee’s 403(b) investment choice.

Please refer to APM 190, Appendix G – for information regarding the retirement contribution on academic summer salary.


  • Please contact your AP analyst if you have any questions regarding general guidelines.
  • Please contact the Employee Experience Center (EEC) if you have any questions regarding summer additional compensation transactions.

Thank you,
Office of Academic Personnel