AP Recruit has launched a new feature called Progressive Disclosure. This an optional feature that allows a committee to gradually reveal application materials to the search committee, allowing them to focus attention onto or away from specific aspects until later in the review process.

All newly created recruitments will display the Progressive Disclosure section of the Selection Process tab, and all new recruitments will display a “Redact” link next to every uploaded document.

In a recruitment not utilizing the progressive disclosure feature, the committee can see all parts of each application as soon as it is submitted. By using the progressive disclosure tools, you can hide parts of the application and progressively disclose more material to the committee as applicants move through the review process.

Limiting the scope during early review can be used for many purposes: it can efficiently reduce a large pool, combat implicit bias, and more.

We’ve created a quick guide and walkthrough video tutorial to help you or your committees design your own progressive disclosure plans.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know at recruit@uci.edu.

UCI Recruit Team and the Office of Academic Personnel