We are updating our guidelines for Associate Deans and Associate Vice Provosts, which will be effective July 1, 2023. These guidelines apply to individuals who hold less than a 100% administrative appointment and do not belong to a unit that participates in the Health Sciences Compensation Plan.

Options for Associate Dean/Associate Vice Provost compensation remain largely unchanged but will now include the option to allow Associate Deans/Associate Vice Provosts to remain 100% in their academic year professorial appointment, keeping their faculty administrator appointment without salary.

Click here for the updated compensation options which are outlined on the first sheet.  They provide guidelines on how to administer each option while providing flexibility to handle individual circumstances that may arise within your unit.  Maximum compensation levels for applicable compensation components (e.g. stipends, summer salary, etc.) are also included.

Search Process

Prior to the final decision, the search process must be approved by my office.  The process includes a memo from the dean with justification for the selection of the final candidate including other candidates considered, the qualifications of final candidate that makes them well suited for the position, and the consultative process that was followed resulting in the selection (for example did this include equity advisors, senior faculty advisory group, faculty, and/or executive committee).  In addition, the memo should also include the make-up of the compensation for the administrator and how it was derived (i.e. in comparison to other administrators serving in the same role, etc.).  After I have approved the search process, the dean may proceed with making the appointment.


Approval of compensation for Associate Deans is dean delegated, but any exceptions to the compensation models outlined remains in my office and will require approval prior to the effective date. 

Incentives, such as course release, research allowance, committee service release will continue to be at the discretion of the dean.  All compensation components, including new augmentations up to the maximum, should be funded from the school/program budget.

New Appointments

For new faculty administrator appointments, please forward a copy of the appointment letter (including all forms of compensation) to the Office of Academic Personnel for our records within one month of the appointment.  Modifications to existing appointments will require a copy of the documentation to my office. These guidelines supersede previous guidelines communicated by my office.

If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at


Diane K. O’Dowd
Vice Provost for Academic Personnel