As the number of self-supporting degree programs increase on our campus, our office is providing the following guidelines to ensure consistent practices across the campus. This information can be found at:
Entry into UCPath
Payments for teaching or course development in self-supporting degree programs (SSDP) are by agreement and are paid differently depending on the academic’s job.
For non-represented teaching faculty these payments should be added as additional pay on their regular teaching job. Use the earn code ACN when processing the SSDP payment for teaching and/or course development.
For all other academics, payments for work in SSDP should be added as a concurrent job as follows:
- Job Codes:
- Teaching a SSDP course: 001650 – LECT-MISCELLANEOUS/PART TIME
- SSDP course development: 003999 – MISCELLANEOUS
- Salary Admin Plan: BYA
- Leave the job compensation blank
- Add the payment in additional pay using earn code ACN.
Outside Professional Activities (OPA) APM 025 Reporting
For faculty subject to APM 025, compensation for teaching or course development in a SSDP is considered payment for an activity outside a faculty member’s regular workload. This activity is therefore designated as a Category II OPA and subject to reporting under APM 025 as well as the policy time limit.