Summer Compensation for Deans

CHIEF PERSONNEL OFFICERS This is a reminder that Deans may earn additional compensation for summer research or Summer Session teaching, per APM 240-18-e: Additional University Compensation. Summer Research Deans may receive up to 1/12th payment for summer research based on their annual decanal salary. In such instances, accrued vacation shall be used in proportion to…Continue Reading Summer Compensation for Deans

2020-2021 Annual Call for President’s/Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow Program

Dear Chief Personnel Officers, The Office of the President has called for UCI to share a list of our confirmed new faculty hires who are coming in from the President’s or Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow Program for the 2020-2021 academic year. To assist us in communicating the information they have requested, which will secure the necessary…Continue Reading 2020-2021 Annual Call for President’s/Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow Program

Academic Summer Salary 2020

UCPATH TRANSACTIONAL USERS REVIEWERS FOR ACADEMIC ACTIONS Academic Summer Salary information for 2020 has now been updated on the AP website at: GUIDELINES The 2020 summer service period begins June 15, 2020 and ends September 25, 2020. Please continue to refer to the summer additional compensation guidelines in the Academic Personnel Procedures Manual (APP),…Continue Reading Academic Summer Salary 2020