Next Steps – Review and update before payroll cut-off: 10/26/2018 (10/25/2018 Bi-weekly) Due to a programming issue, the academic range adjustment for the Academic Student Employees and Graduate Student Researchers was not completed until today. Salaries entered prior to the PPS Freeze (10/11/2018) have been adjusted 3%. Units may again begin to enter appointments and…Continue Reading ASE (BX)/GSR Range Adjustment COMPLETE
Month: October 2018
Changes to Policies Affecting Lecturers with Security of Employment Series
[su_note note_color=”#dbe2ed”] October 22, 2018 LECTURER WITH POTENTIAL FOR SECURITY OF EMPLOYMENT SR / LECTURER WITH SECURITY OF EMPLOYMENT Effective October 1, 2018, the following Academic Personnel Manual (APM) policies relating to faculty in the Lecturer with Security of Employment (LSOE) Series have been revised systemwide by the Office of the President: APM Section 285,…Continue Reading Changes to Policies Affecting Lecturers with Security of Employment Series
Issuance of Revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM)
[su_note note_color=”#dbe2ed”] October 22, 2018 ACADEMIC DEANS DEPARTMENT CHAIRS I am transmitting the revised, and new, sections of the Academic Personnel Manual, as follows: APM Section 285, Lecturer with Security of Employment Series APM Section 210-3, Instructions to Review Committees That Advise on Actions Concerning the Lecturer with Security of Employment Series APM Section 133,…Continue Reading Issuance of Revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM)
Annual Call for Conflict of Commitment Reporting
[su_note note_color=”#dbe2ed”]October 15, 2018 ACADEMIC DEANS FACULTY ADMINISTRATORS (100% TIME) Each year, Deans and Faculty Administrators (100% Time) are required to report outside professional activities to their campuses. Please complete the attached 2017-18 report (UC-AP-COC1) and submit electronically to no later than Monday, October 29, 2018. Please see the form for additional instructions. This…Continue Reading Annual Call for Conflict of Commitment Reporting
National Advertisement and nomination process for Distinguished Scholars
[su_note note_color=”#dbe2ed”]October 12, 2018 ACADEMIC DEANS DEPARTMENT CHAIRS I am pleased to inform you that we have placed an advertisement for UCI Distinguished Scholars in The Chronicle of Higher Education. The ad in The Chronicle of Higher Education will run in the October 12, 2018 issue (print ad) and the web ad is available beginning…Continue Reading National Advertisement and nomination process for Distinguished Scholars
UAW Notice of, and, Request for Recognition
Please click the link below to download a FULL copy of the UAW Notice of, and, Request for Recognition:…Continue Reading UAW Notice of, and, Request for Recognition