All Campus Distinctions are awarded on the basis of merit. They may be conferred upon current faculty or made as part of a recruitment offer. Campus distinctions may be accompanied by financial stipends, either provided by the University or by the School, subject to availability of funds and the particular distinction provided.
All Campus Titles of Distinction are awarded by the Chancellor, or Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, subsequent to advice from the Distinctions Review Committee, CAP and the Vice Provost. The Distinctions Review Committee is comprised of senior faculty, including but not limited to current Distinguished and Chancellor’s Professors.
Chancellor’s Fellow
This title is intended for faculty with tenure whose recent achievements in scholarship evidence extraordinary promise for world-class contributions to knowledge, and whose pattern of contributions evidences strong trajectory to additional/further distinctions. Chancellor’s Fellow appointments will be used to support retentions, predominantly of mid-level faculty.
The Chancellor’s Fellow distinction is for three years and carries an award of up to $25K per year in support of research; this title may not be renewed past three years. There is a maximum of 2 centrally funded Chancellor’s Fellows, per School, at any one time.
Chancellor’s Professor
The Chancellor’s Professor title is designed for persons who have earned the title of Professor and who have demonstrated unusual academic merit and whose continued promise for scholarly achievement is unusually high. Thus, Chancellor’s Professors are faculty who have achieved acclaim for their accomplishments and who are highly likely to continue producing notable achievement in scholarship.
The Chancellor’s Professor title is unmodified, consistent with the campus wide selection process where individuals are reviewed for their accomplishments as a whole, without regard to area or subarea of specialization. Faculty who hold a title of distinction can describe their affiliations and/or disciplines in a format such as: Chancellor’s Professor, Department of X.
Distinguished Professor
The Distinguished Professor title is a campus-level distinction and is reserved for Above Scale senate faculty who have achieved the highest levels of scholarship over the course of their careers. Distinguished Professors will typically have earned national and international level distinctions and honors of the highest level.
Senate faculty who hold a title of distinction can describe their affiliations and/or disciplines in a format such as: Distinguished Professor, Department of X.
Endowed Chair
An endowed chair is a perquisite, not including base salary for the academic year, supported by income from an endowed fund established by gift or gifts from private sources.
Endowed Chairs are appointed consistent with the terms of the endowment.