Effective July 1, 2023, UCI’s new online review system, ScholarSteps, fully replaced AP Review in the 2023-24 review cycle. While AP Review has served us well at UCI, the system has been replaced because the technology that it was built on is no longer being supported.
ScholarSteps can be used for all senate and non-senate review actions except:
- Appointments
- Career Equity Reviews
- Non-Reappointments
- Reviews representing split appointments (split schools/departments).
- Reviews for individuals that would require a surrogate Chair, Dean, etc. particularly if:
- A Dean or Chair’s faculty appointment is under review or;
- the individual’s partner holds a Chair/Dean position within the same department/school.
Note: For all other review files that require a surrogate dean or chair, the ScholarSteps review file bundle can be provided to the surrogate faculty administrator outside of the system, and their letter can be uploaded by the analyst on their behalf into Scholar Steps.
ScholarSteps Demonstration Video
Enhancements & Updates
New File Bundle for Committees/Voting Faculty
Dear Colleagues, After much feedback, a new bundle has been created for voting faculty, department, and dean ad hoc committees. …
Faculty Split Titles Can Now be Processed in ScholarSteps
Beginning with the AY 2023-24 Academic Review Cycle, departments/units are now able to utilize Scholar Steps to process the reviews …
Ability to Update Files During Candidate Certification
We are happy to announce that analysts are now able to update/replace or delete documents while awaiting candidate certification. There …
NEW! Dashboard View
We are excited to announce that the after much feedback, the ScholarSteps team has enhanced the dashboard view to be …
Filter Update on Dashboard
The ScholarSteps dashboard now has filter settings that will allow you to sort the "Pending Reviews" table and "Recently Updated …