Academic units may request Interim Funding Assistance from the Office of Academic Affairs to support the transitional employment needs of academically qualified spouses/partners of new professor or professor of teaching series appointee at UCI. In some cases, Interim Funding Assistance may be used to retain UCI faculty.
The recruiting department should make efforts to assist the spouse/partner in seeking permanent academic positions outside of UCI if the department is unable to continue the appointment. In all cases, commitments by the Office of Academic Affairs for interim funding will not exceed a period of two years. Transitional employment opportunities for academically qualified spouses/partners may include appointments as Lecturers or appointments in research-related positions.
Funding for Interim Funding Assistance is accomplished through a three-way partnership, although not necessarily in equal amounts, from the following units:
- the recruiting unit (the department/school that houses the professor or professor of teaching series appointee)
- the host unit(s) for the spouse/partner
- the Office of Academic Affairs
Proposals may be submitted at any time during the academic year. Development of the proposal requires collaboration between the recruiting department and the unit proposed to host the spouse/partner. The final proposal should be submitted by the Dean for the academic unit that recruited theprofessor or professor of teaching series appointee. Proposals should include:
From the School/Department of the professor or professor of teaching series appointee:
- An explanation of the particular recruitment or retention effort giving rise to the request for spousal/partner interim support;
- Statements of support for the proposal from the Dean and Chair. Included should be the specific financial support the unit is willing to provide.
Materials Prepared by the Host Unit and forwarded to the Recruiting Unit:
- Statements of support from the Dean and the Chair of the proposed department of the spouse/partner. Information on the specific financial support the unit is willing to provide should be included;
- The department/school with which the partner hopes to affiliate and a statement of how the interim appointment meets or fits programmatic and workload needs;
- The spouse/partner’s vitae or similar information;
- An evaluation of the spouse/partner’s work by the proposed host unit;
- Proposed length of appointment of the spouse/partner;
- The proposed title, rank, step, and salary of the spouse/partner. The Office of Academic Affairs will commit one-third of the funds, plus benefits and any adjustments for the spouse/partner’s annual salary due to range adjustments or merit/promotion increases associated with this portion. Units should be cognizant of university’s commitment to salary equity.
Each proposal will be evaluated on its overall cogency, the potential impact on the university’s efforts to recruit and retain high quality faculty, and the relevance of the proposal to the overall research and instructional mission of the campus. Both units will receive written notification of funded proposals.
Proposals for Interim Funding Assistance under the CPP should be emailed to
Appointment Process
Once the host unit for the spouse/partner is notified of an approved funding request, it should begin preparation of the appropriate dossier in support of the proposed appointment for the spouse/partner. As with all faculty appointments, units must forward the dossier through the Dean’s office to the Office of Academic Personnel. A copy of the approval letter for Interim Funding Assistance should be included in the file.
Career partner hires are contingent upon the accepted appointment and the arrival of the primary faculty candidate for required in residence service at UC Irvine.
Questions about this program and the required documentation may be directed to