As we near the end of the academic year, we would like to clarify the PPS processing procedures for academic appointees who are retiring and/or will be eligible for an Emeritus or Recall appointment.


An honorary title conferred upon all eligible Senate academics following retirement. Since it is not considered “employment,” department preparers may enter the Emeritus appointment without waiting for the 30-day “break in service” that is required for entry of Recall appointments. The Emeritus title is normally effective the day following the retirement date-or the first of the following month (July 1).

Note: In order for June 2019 retirees to be eligible for the Inactive COLA, the separation date should be Thursday, June 27, 2019, with a retirement date of July 1, 2019.

PPS Entry for Emeritus Status:
Past practice has been that department preparers may enter the retirement separation information, wait one working day to allow the separation information to record to PPS history, and then enter the Emeritus appointment the following day.  Please remember to delete the separation information at the time the Emeritus appointment is entered, or the Emeritus appointment will “maintenance off” at the next PPS update cycle due to the separated status. Do not change the faculty member’s hire date when you enter the Emeritus appointment.

Due to some current issues involving these appointments, we have confirmed the following changes to the timing of these PPS entries with Susan Pihl, Director of Benefits:

Emeritus Appointment – if entering prior to July 1, DO NOT change the BELI code at that time. This can impact June benefits eligibility. Update the BELI code after July 1.

Preferred option would be to wait until July 1 to enter Emeritus appointment – or appropriate date following mid-year retirement (Fall or Winter) – and then change BELI at the same time.


Initial recall appointment should not be entered until a minimum of 30 days following retirement – or effective date of the recall appointment, if more than 30 days following retirement. Subsequent recall appointments do not require a waiting period.

If appropriate, BELI should be changed accordingly at the same time the recall appointment is entered.
DOS code for all rehired retirees should be REC.

PPS Note: Due to the Emeritus status of Senate retirees, recall appointments for these individuals are processed as “Additional Employment,” as they are appointed “in addition to” the existing Emeritus appointment. There are two bundles in PPS set up specifically for these Senate actions: EMER (to add the Emeritus appointment) and RCLL (to add Senate Recall appointment).

Non-Senate academic retirees do not hold an Emeritus appointment (other than a few approved by exception). Recalls for the non-Senate academic retirees require that the department preparers process their appointments as “rehires,” which includes deleting the current retirement separation information and changing the date of hire. This is all built into the two “Rehire” bundles in PPS – RCIT (for citizens and permanent residents) and RNCT (for non-immigrant/non-resident alien), but preparers need to be aware that they should process these folks as “rehires” in order for the action to process correctly in PPS.


If you have any questions, please contact your Academic Personnel Analyst.

Thank you,
Office of Academic Personnel