UCPath calculates range adjustments slightly differently for individuals on a step. In the past (PPS), range adjustments would normally be applied to an individual’s annual salary, this process has now changed.

For individuals on a step in UCPath (new calculation):

  • Step 1 – On-scale component: Brought up to new UCOP salary for their series, rank, and step (this includes X + X’ on-scale adjustments).
  • Step 2 – Off-scale component: range adjustment percentage is applied to the off-scale component and rounded (rounding rules vary between series, check with AP analyst if you have any questions).
  • Step 3 – Add results of step 1 & 2 together for total annual salary.

For individuals not on step in UCPath (e.g. above-scale faculty, recalls, etc.):

  • The approved range adjustment percentage is applied to the annual salary and rounded (rounding rules vary between series, check with AP analyst if you have any questions).

Below are examples using the 3 percent range adjustment for the ladder rank faculty that was effective October 1, 2021:

Associate Professor – AY, Step 5

7/1/2021 Salary
UCANNL (scale based salary): $104,000
UCOFF1 (off-scale): $11,500

10/1/2021 Salary

UCANNL (scale based salary): $107,100 (from UCOP salary scale)
UCOFF1 (off-scale): $11,500 + 3% and rounded = $11,800

Professor, Above Scale

7/1/2021 Salary
UCABVE (above scale salary): $190,000

10/1/2021 Salary
UCABVE (above scale salary): $192,000 + 3% and rounded = $197,800