The Negotiated Salary Trial Program (NSTP) is a general campus negotiated salary plan that allows eligible faculty to voluntarily contribute external funding sources toward their total UC salary, with the negotiated salary amount funded through external sources. The amount of negotiated salary is capped at 30% of the scale-based salary. The total negotiated salary is effective for a one-year period corresponding with the University fiscal cycle of July 1 through June 30.

Component of Pay

In UCPath, compensation is broken up into different components that add together to make up the total salary.

Salary ComponentComp Rate CodeComp Rate DescriptionEarn Code
On Scale SalaryUCANNLThis compensation rate will be derived by the system based off of the salary admin plan, grade, and step. This represents the ON SCALE rate in accordance to the UCOP salary scale (not the UCI Merit Scale).REG*
Off Scale SalaryUCOFF1This represents the off-scale OFF SCALE component, add this as an annual rate for faculty who are off-scale.REG*
Above Scale SalaryUCABVEThis represents the annual ABOVE SCALE salary for an above-scale faculty.  This salary component should not be used with UCANNL and UCOFF1.REG*
Negotiated SalaryUCGCYNThis represents the NEGOTIATED SALARY component, and is the annual negotiated amount that the faculty member is increasing their salary by.NNC
*At UCI we will be using the REG earn code (not NCB) for Scale-Based Salary.

UCPath Instructions

  1. Navigate to PayPath (PeopleSoft Homepage > HR Tasks > PayPath/Additional Pay > PayPath Actions)
  2. Search for the employee that you want to add NSTP participation to.
  3. Click on the JOB DATA
  4. Enter in the EFFECTIVE DATE.
  6. Under “Pay Components” click on the + sign to add a new pay component row.
  7. Type or select UCGCYN as the rate code. This rate code is the NOT FIRM version of the negotiated component, meaning that the negotiated amount will be reduced to absorb any salary increases that happen during the year of participation.
  8. Enter in the ANNUAL amount of the negotiated component in the Comp Rate field.
  1. Navigate back to the ACTION/ACTION REASON area, and click on the “+” sign to add an additional action/action reason.
  3. Navigate to EARNINGS DISTRIBUTION TYPE: and select “By Percent.”
  4. The NSTP earn codes and amounts should calculate automatically for you. If it doesn’t, correct as needed.
  5. Navigate to the ADDITIONAL PAY DATA
  6. Enter in your INITIATOR’S COMMENTS.
  7. Click SAVE AND SUBMIT to submit your transaction to your approver.