On November 15, 2024, a Federal Judge vacated the Department of Labor’s Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) April 2024 final rule on overtime exemptions. The Department of Labor (DOL) had issued revised regulations on April 23, 2024, that increased the minimum salary threshold for overtime-exempt employees to $844 per week effective July 1, 2024, and to $1,128 per week effective January 1, 2025. The Federal Judge reinstated the minimum salary threshold, which had been in effect since January 1, 2020.

Following the revised overtime rule that had taken effect on July 1, 2024, all non-faculty, non-student academic appointees in research or administrative positions must earn at least $844 per week to remain exempt. Those who did not meet both the salary threshold and the duties test were reclassified to non-exempt status and overtime eligible.

With the reinstatement of the January 1, 2020, minimum salary threshold, and following consultation with Systemwide Labor Relations, the University has decided to retain the $844 per week threshold that was put into effect on July 1, 2024. 

Faculty, including lecturers, as well as other teaching titles, will continue to be unaffected by this rule regardless of how much they earn because the minimum salary threshold does not apply to those who have the primary duty of teaching and imparting knowledge.

When to take Action?

The table below applies to the following titles:

  • Specialists (Job Codes 003330/003329, 003320/003321, 003310/003311, 003300/003301)
  • Project Scientist (Job Codes 003394/003494, 003392/003492, 003390/003490)
  • Project Scientist BEE (Job Codes 003395/003495, 003393/003493, 003391/003491)
  • Professional Researcher (Job Codes 003220/003190, 003210/003180, 003200/003170)
  • Professional Researcher BEE (Job Codes 001989/001999, 001988/001998, 001987/001997)
  • Postdoctoral Scholar (Job Code 003255)
  • Academic Coordinator AY (Job Codes)
  • Academic Coordinator FY (Job Codes)
  • Recall Non-Faculty Academic (Job Codes 003802/003812)
Effective DateType of ActionFLSA StatusPay CycleProvide Notice of Change in FLSA and Pay Cycle?
July 1, 2024Appointments and Reappointments in applicable title codes with earning LESS THAN $844/wkNon-exemptBi-WeeklyYes
July 1, 2024Change in appointment % with earning LESS THAN $844/wkNon-exemptBi-WeeklyYes
July 1, 2024 New Hire with appointment percentage with earning LESS THAN $844/wkNon-exemptBi-WeeklyNo
July 1, 2024New Hire with appointment percentage with earning at least or greater than $844/wkExemptMonthlyNo

Weekly Pay Rate Calculator
For any appointments held on, or after, July 1, 2024

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