Policy Revision: APM 330 – Specialist Series

The revised policy is issued to be effective July 1, 2015. All Specialists appointed on or after July 1, 2015 are subject to the revised policy. All Specialists with appointments beginning before July 1, 2015 are subject to the new policy with the exception of provisions for appointment and advancement criteria (APM – 330-10), qualification (APM – 330-11), and recommendation and review (APM – 330-80)….Continue Reading Policy Revision: APM 330 – Specialist Series

Redelegation of Postdoctoral Scholars

The Irvine Delegation of Authority (IDA) for the Redelegation of  Postdoctoral Scholars has been approved and is effective October 1, 2012.  This re-delegation gives Deans and the Vice Chancellor for Research the authority to approve the following academic personnel actions for individuals appointed in Postdoctoral Scholar titles (payroll title 3252, 3253, and 3254)……Continue Reading Redelegation of Postdoctoral Scholars

New Academic Personnel Policy — Recall for Academic Appointees

The new university-wide recall policy can be found in APM 205  and local campus recall procedures can be found in APP 5-01. Academic appointees who have retired from the university may be recalled to active service, for a term appointment.  Recall may be for teaching, research and/or administrative service……Continue Reading New Academic Personnel Policy — Recall for Academic Appointees