Zero Interest Supplemental Home Loan (ZIP loan) Program

Dear Colleagues, Since the Zero Interest Supplemental Home Loan (ZIP loan) program was first offered in Fall 2022, my office has reviewed the program and has determined to continue the program for the immediate future. The Zero Interest Supplemental Home Loan (ZIP loan) program provides faculty with down payment assistance to purchase a home, outside…Continue Reading Zero Interest Supplemental Home Loan (ZIP loan) Program

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) – Increasing the Minimum Salary Threshold

DEANSASSOCIATE DEANSDEPARTMENT CHAIRS/DIRECTORSASSISTANT DEANSCHIEF PERSONNEL OFFICERS The United States Department of Labor (DOL) has issued revised regulations regarding the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The revised rule increases the minimum salary threshold for overtime-exempt employees in tiers: IMPLEMENTATION TIMETABLE FOR TRANSITION OF EXEMPT TO NON-EXEMPT STATUS, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2024: No later than June…Continue Reading Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) – Increasing the Minimum Salary Threshold

Revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM) 025 and 671: Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities

ACADEMIC DEANSDEPARTMENT CHAIRSALL APM COVERED FACULTY AND ACADEMIC APPOINTEES On January 24, 2023, the Office of Academic Personnel issued a campus communication regarding the revised APM 025, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members and Designated Other Academic Appointees, and APM 671, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Health Sciences Compensation Plan Participants. These…Continue Reading Revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM) 025 and 671: Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities

UAW Absence/Leave Reporting Reminder

DEANSASSOCIATE DEANSDEPARTMENT CHAIRS/DIRECTORSASSISTANT DEANSCHIEF PERSONNEL OFFICERS United Auto Workers Local 4811, which represents Academic Student Employees (Teaching Assistants, Readers, and Tutors), Graduate Student Researchers, Academic Researchers, and Postdoctoral Scholars, has called on its members at UC Irvine to strike beginning Wednesday, June 5. UAW-represented employees have received notices reminding them of their obligation to complete…Continue Reading UAW Absence/Leave Reporting Reminder

Granting the Title of Distinguished Professor 

In consultation with Senate leadership and the Council on Academic Personnel, campus policy was revised in July 2018 regarding the use of the title of Distinguished Professor. Senate faculty at Professor, Above Scale, were extended the title of Distinguished Professor and retained it after retirement and conferral of emeritus/a title. Following the same consultative process,…Continue Reading Granting the Title of Distinguished Professor 

Academic Summer Salary 2024

UCPATH TRANSACTIONAL USERSREVIEWERS FOR ACADEMIC ACTIONS Academic Summer Salary information for 2024 has now been updated on the AP website. GUIDELINES The 2024 summer service period begins June 17, 2024, and ends September 20, 2024. Please continue to refer to the Academic Personnel Procedures (APP) when processing summer salary. These sections are to be used in conjunction with the…Continue Reading Academic Summer Salary 2024

Issuance of Revisions to Academic Personnel Manual (APM)

ACADEMIC DEANSDEPARTMENT CHAIRSSENATE FACULTYNON-SENATE, NON-REPRESENTED ACADEMIC APPOINTEES The following is an issuance of the following revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM) sections: APM 285, Professor of Teaching Series APM 285, Professor of Teaching Series is effective immediately.  The revised policy can be found on the Academic Personnel Programs website or at APM 285, Professor of Teaching Series. The revised…Continue Reading Issuance of Revisions to Academic Personnel Manual (APM)

2024-2025 Academic Review Cycle: Changes in Academic Personnel Normal Merit Review Procedures for Senate Faculty

In order to streamline the preparation and review of Academic Personnel (AP) files for Senate Faculty, normal merit files will consist of a reduced base file and the authority to make a final decision for normal merit actions will be delegated to deans. This will apply to all normal merit files, effective in the 2024-2025…Continue Reading 2024-2025 Academic Review Cycle: Changes in Academic Personnel Normal Merit Review Procedures for Senate Faculty

Systemwide Review of Proposed Revisions to Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Section 016, University Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline

The University invites comments on proposed revisions to the following policy: Summarized below are the proposed key policy revisions that are being distributed for systemwide review.  Key Policy Revisions The policy revisions respond to the need to revise APM – 016 to address the handling of simultaneous academic misconduct investigations and personnel actions and include:…Continue Reading Systemwide Review of Proposed Revisions to Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Section 016, University Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline