To help streamline the preparation and process for all levels of review during a Career Equity Review (CER), we have made some key changes highlighted below.
The CER may be initiated by any Ladder Rank faculty or Professor of Teaching who is a member of the Academic Senate. It may only be requested twice during a faculty member’s career at UCI, with each request being possible once at the following times:
- At the Assistant Rank
- At the Associate Rank
- At Professor Step I-V
- At Professor Step VI or above
The CER must be requested in conjunction with a normal merit, promotion, or advancement review. CERs may not be requested with an accelerated review file.
When a candidate requests a CER with the normal review action (merit, promotion, advancement, etc.), a file addressing both the current review period for the normal review action and the CER file should be compiled. This file will be reviewed by CAP. Each review level should first consider the normal review action. After making a decision on the normal review action, reviewers will then evaluate the CER file to determine if a recalibration of rank and/or step is warranted.
The CER dossier requirements will be more streamlined, allowing faculty to choose the most relevant materials to demonstrate their justification for the CER. The CER must be submitted in conjunction with a normal review action therefore, the school should prepare the review file according to the normal process and procedures using the appropriate checklists.
More information about the updated CER process can be found here.
Please contact your respective Academic Personnel analyst for questions.
Gillian R. Hayes
Vice Provost for Academic Personnel
Robert A. and Barbara L. Kleist Professor of Informatics