In consultation with Senate leadership and the Council on Academic Personnel, campus policy was revised in July 2018 regarding the use of the title of Distinguished Professor. Senate faculty at Professor, Above Scale, were extended the title of Distinguished Professor and retained it after retirement and conferral of emeritus/a title. Following the same consultative process, I am pleased to share that all Professor, Above Scale, who retired prior to the campus policy change, will be allowed to use the title of Distinguished Professor Emeritus/a. My office has identified forty-seven emeritus/a Professor, Above Scale, who will be impacted by this change. To acknowledge and recognize these faculty, this is effective immediately:
- A new Distinguished Professor, Emeritus/a, webpage has been created to now include these 47 Professor, Above Scale, emeritus/a, as well as those previously listed on the current Distinguished Professor webpage.
- They may describe their affiliation as Distinguished Professor, Emeritus/a, Department of *.
- They may contact their department should they wish to update their title in the UCI Directory.
If you have any questions, please reach out to
Thank you,
Diane K. O’Dowd
Vice Provost for Academic Personnel