In order to streamline the preparation and review of Academic Personnel (AP) files for Senate Faculty, normal merit files will consist of a reduced base file and the authority to make a final decision for normal merit actions will be delegated to deans. This will apply to all normal merit files, effective in the 2024-2025 academic review cycle, except for those that are reviewed by the Council on Academic Personnel (CAP) per faculty selection (see below).
- Dean-delegated merit file components:
- CV with new material highlighted can replace the UCI-AP-10;
- Teaching addendum (short form UCI-AP10-DD), student evaluations, and second piece of evidence of teaching effectiveness;
- Copies of all new scholarly/creative materials;
- Optional: Self-statement/s can be included if helpful in explaining contributions in review areas that may not be adequately evident from the CV.
- Faculty eligible for a dean-delegated merit review can elect to undergo a CAP merit review.
- The selection of a CAP review must be done on or before submission of the file to the department.
- For a CAP review, the UCI-AP-10 and full file, which generally include self-statements in each review area, are required.
- Authority for normal merit files reviewed by CAP remains with the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor.
- Accelerated merits, merits with MCAs or MCAs only, and Above Scale Merits, as well as all promotions and advancements will continue to be reviewed by CAP and require the UCI-AP-10 and full file, which generally include self-statements in each review area.
- APP 3-60: Merit and Promotion File Documentation for Academic Senate Titles has been updated to provide guidelines and procedures for dean’s delegated review files and campus reviewed files.
The decision to streamline the AP merit review process involved consultation between the Vice Provost of Academic Personnel, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, CAP, and the Academic Senate leadership.
Should you have any questions, please email