[su_note note_color=”#dbe2ed” text_color=”#000000″]
Revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM) 760
APM –760, Family Accommodations for Childbearing and Childrearing
The revised policy was issued effective August 7, 2018. Revisions to APM – 760 are technical changes to equalize the active service-modified duties periods between semester and quarter campuses.
An academic appointee who is a birth mother and who has a full-time appointment for at least one full academic year (three quarters or two semesters) is now eligible for a total period of childbearing leave plus active service-modified duties (ASMD) of three quarters (or two semesters). If she gives birth during the summer or an off-duty term, she is eligible for a total period of active service-modified duties of three quarters (or two semesters). Prior to the policy revision, only two quarters of ASMD was allowed.
Funding for Teaching Release for Birth or Adoption of Child(ren) — for Professor and LSOE Series
APP 7-42, Active Service Modified Duties
Central funding for the purpose of providing Professor and Lecturer with Security of Employment (LSOE) series teaching replacement is allocated to the affected academic department. Funding for teaching release request will have a maximum number of courses that will be approved per birth or adoption:
- Professor series: eligible to receive up to a maximum of three courses.
- LSOE series: eligible to receive up to a maximum of four courses.
Estimated cost for funding requested per course will be increased from $5,500 to $6,000, which will be effective for all requests initiated July 1, 2019 or after.
If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact your assigned Academic Personnel analyst.
Diane K. O’Dowd
Vice Provost for Academic Personnel[/su_note]