[su_button url=”https://ap.uci.edu/files/2016/09/delegate_postdoc_memo.pdf” style=”soft” size=”4″ radius=”5″ icon=”icon: print”]Print Version[/su_button]
[su_note note_color=”#dbe2ed”] October 4, 2012
RE: Redelegation of Postdoctoral Scholars
The Irvine Delegation of Authority (IDA) for the Redelegation of Postdoctoral Scholars, IDA 542 (http://www.policies.uci.edu/doa/ida542.html), has been approved and is effective October 1, 2012. This re-delegation gives Deans and the Vice Chancellor for Research the authority to approve the following academic personnel actions for individuals appointed in Postdoctoral Scholar titles (payroll title 3252, 3253, and 3254):
- Initial appointment following an approved search.
- Reappointment with contract required salary increase at 100%, including exception of less than one year due to funding or visa limitations as well as bridging request by a postdoctoral scholar.
- All normal merit increases.
- Leaves of absence with salary or without salary up to 30 days.
Appointments funded by fellowship awards should be reviewed first by Graduate Division prior to the appointment being finalized. Please contact Sharon Metzger at SMetzger@rgs.uci.edu.
Within 30 days of approval, the original dossier and search, if applicable, should be forwarded to the Office of Academic Personnel, which is the office of record for these actions.
All approved actions must be consistent with the applicable collective bargaining agreement as well as systemwide and local policies. Resources related to postdoctoral appointments, including the collective bargaining agreement, appointment form, appointment notification, checklists, and applicable campus procedures, are available on the Academic Personnel Website, at https://ap.uci.edu/postdoc/ .
A campus-wide training on the policies and procedures for Postdoctoral Scholar appointments is scheduled for October 25, 2012, at 10:00 to 11:30 am. In addition, an additional session will be scheduled for the School of Medicine. More details will follow shortly regarding registration and training locations.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the staff in the Office of Academic Personnel Office at 824-7175.
Herbert P. Killackey
Vice Provost
Cc: Chief Personnel Officers, Department Managers, Academic Personnel [/su_note]