The Distinguished Professor title is a campus-level distinction and is reserved for Above Scale senate faculty who have achieved the highest levels of scholarship over the course of their careers. Distinguished Professors will typically have earned national and international level distinctions and honors of the highest level.
Emeritus senate faculty with a Distinguished Professor title may describe their affiliations and/or disciplines in a format such as: Distinguished Professor, Emeritus/a, Department of X. The list of current Distinguished Professor, can be found here.
Distinguished Professor Emeritus/a | Department/School |
Nicholaos G. Alexopoulos | Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science The Henry Samueli School of Engineering |
V. Ara Apkarian | Department of Chemistry School of Physical Sciences |
John C. Avise | Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology School of Biological Sciences |
Kenneth M. Baldwin | Department of Physiology & Biophysics School of Medicine |
Etienne Balibar | Department of European Languages & Studies School of Humanities |
Frank D. Bean | Department of Sociology School of Social Sciences |
Ermanno Bencivenga | Department of Philosophy School of Humanities |
Albert Bennett | Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology School of Biological Sciences |
Ralph A. Bradshaw | Department of Physiology & Biophysics School of Medicine |
William E. Bunney | Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior School of Medicine |
Diane Campbell | Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology School of Biological Sciences |
Thomas J. Carew | Department of Neurobiology & Behavior School of Biological Sciences |
Michael Carey | Department of Computer Science Donald Bren School of ICS |
Ronald Carlson | Department of English School of Humanities |
Leo Chavez | Department of Anthropology School of Social Sciences |
Liu Chen | Department of Physics & Astronomy School of Physical Sciences |
Jerome Christensen | Department of English School of Humanities |
Ralph Clayman | Department of Urology School of Medicine |
Michael T. Clegg | Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology School of Biological Sciences |
Robert Corn | Department of Chemistry School of Physical Sciences |
Jose B. Cruz | Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science The Henry Samueli School of Engineering |
Russell J. Dalton | Department of Political Science School of Social Sciences |
Joseph DiMento | School of Law |
Michael V. Drake | Department of Ophthalmology School of Medicine |
Said E. Elghobashi | Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering The Henry Samueli School of Engineering |
William J. Evans | Department of Chemistry School of Physical Sciences |
George Farkas | School of Education School of Education |
Howard Federoff | Department of Neurology School of Medicine |
Martha Feldman | Department of Urban Planning & Public Policy School of Social Ecology |
Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts | Department of Chemistry School of Physical Sciences |
Zachary Fisk | Department of Physics & Astronomy School of Physical Sciences |
Daniel D. Gajski | Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science The Henry Samueli School of Engineering |
David Hirshliefer | Paul Merage School of Business |
Bryant Garth | School of Law |
Robert B. Gerber | Department of Chemistry School of Physical Sciences |
Enrico Gratton | Department of Biomedical Engineering The Henry Samueli School of Engineering |
Bernard Grofman | Department of Political Science School of Social Sciences |
John C. Hemminger | Department of Chemistry School of Physical Sciences |
Ramesh Jain | Department of Computer Science Donald Bren School of ICS |
Wesley O. Johnson | Department of Statistics Donald Bren School of ICS |
Claudia Kawas | Department of Neurology School of Medicine Department of Neurobiology and Behavior Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences |
Abel Klein | Department of Mathematics School of Physical Sciences |
Kenneth L. Kraemer | Paul Merage School of Business |
Joseph Lambert | Department of Philosophy School of Humanities |
Andrew Lankford | Department of Physics & Astronomy School of Physical Sciences |
Janos K. Lanyi | Department of Physiology & Biophysics School of Medicine |
Enrique Lavernia | Department of Materials Science & Engineering The Henry Samueli School of Engineering |
Wen-Hwa Lee | Department of Biological Chemistry School of Medicine |
Ellis Levin | Department of Medicine School of Medicine |
Peter Wai-Kwong Li | Department of Mathematics School of Physical Sciences |
Penelope Maddy | Department of Logic & Philosophy of Science School of Social Sciences |
Marc Madou | Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering The Henry Samueli School of Engineering |
David Malament | Department of Logic & Philosophy of Science School of Social Sciences |
Alexei A. Maradudin | Department of Physics & Astronomy School of Physical Sciences |
J. Lawrence Marsh | Developmental & Cell Biology School of Biological Sciences |
James McGaugh | Department of Neurobiology & Behavior School of Biological Sciences |
James L. Mcmichael | Department of English School of Humanities |
Alexander Mcpherson | Department of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry School of Biological Sciences |
Frank Meyskens | Department of Medicine School of Medicine |
John R. Miles | Department of English School of Humanities |
Farghalli A. Mohamed | Department of Materials Science & Engineering The Henry Samueli School of Engineering |
Rachel Moran | School of Law |
Gonzalo Navajas | Department of Spanish & Portuguese School of Humanities |
Margot Norris | Department of Comparative Literature/ Department of English School of Humanities |
Adeline Nyamathi | Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing |
Gary M. Olson | Department of Informatics Donald Bren School of ICS |
Judith S. Olson | Department of Informatics Donald Bren School of ICS |
Larry E. Overman | Department of Chemistry School of Physical Sciences |
Ian Parker | Department of Neurobiology & Behavior School of Biological Sciences |
Jone Pearce | Paul Merage School of Business |
Reginald Penner | Department of Chemistry School of Physical Sciences |
Steven G. Potkin | Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior School of Medicine |
Thomas Poulos | Department of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry School of Biological Sciences |
Michael J. Prather | Department of Earth System Science School of Physical Sciences |
Yvonne Rainer | Department of Art Claire Trevor School of the Arts |
Wilfred Recker | Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering The Henry Samueli School of Engineering |
Peter M. Rentzepis | Department of Chemistry School of Physical Sciences |
Karen Rook | Department of Psychological Science School of Social Ecology |
Michael Rose | Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology School of Biological Sciences |
John C. Rowe | Department of English School of Humanities |
Karl Rubin | Department of Mathematics School of Physical Sciences |
Vicki Ruiz | Department of Chicano Latino Studies School of Social Sciences Department of History School of Humanities |
Rubén G. Rumbaut | Department of Sociology School of Social Sciences |
Michael Ryan | Department of English School of Humanities |
Donald G. Saari | Department of Economics School of Social Sciences |
Scott Samuelsen | Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering The Henry Samueli School of Engineering |
Gerasimos Santas | Department of Philosophy School of Humanities |
Richard Schoen | Department of Mathematics School of Physical Sciences |
Julie Schoenung | Department of Materials Science & Engineering The Henry Samueli School of Engineering |
Gabriele Schwab | Department of Comparative Literature School of Humanities |
Kenneth J. Shea | Department of Chemistry School of Physical Sciences |
Terrence Shevlin | Paul Merage School of Business |
Alice Silverberg | Department of Mathematics School of Physical Sciences |
David W. Smith | Department of Philosophy School of Humanities |
Patrick Smyth | Department of Computer Science Donald Bren School of ICS |
David A. Snow | Department of Sociology School of Social Sciences |
Henry W. Sobel | Department of Physics & Astronomy School of Physical Sciences |
Dorothy J. Solinger | Department of Political Science School of Social Sciences |
Robert Solomon | School of Law |
George Sperling | Department of Cognitive Sciences School of Social Sciences |
Eric J. Stanbridge | Department of Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics School of Medicine |
Allen R. Stubberud | Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science The Henry Samueli School of Engineering |
Timothy Tackett | Department of History School of Humanities |
Andrea Tenner | Department of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences |
Chuu-Lian Terng | Department of Mathematics School of Physical Sciences |
Frederic Seabrook Thomas | Department of English School of Humanities |
Douglas Tobias | Department of Chemistry School of Physical Sciences |
Harold E. Toliver | Department of English School of Humanities |
Steven C. Topik | Department of History School of Humanities |
Judith Treas | Department of Sociology School of Social Sciences |
Chen Tsai | Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science The Henry Samueli School of Engineering |
Nosratola D. Vaziri | Department of Medicine School of Medicine |
Juan Villegas | Department of Spanish & Portuguese School of Humanities |
Frederic Y. Wan | Department of Mathematics School of Physical Sciences |
Stephen H. White | Department of Physiology & Biophysics School of Medicine |
H. Kumar Wickramasinghe | Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science The Henry Samueli School of Engineering |
Samuel Wilson | Department of Surgery School of Medicine |
Geoffrey A. Wolff | Department of English School of Humanities |
Jann N. Yang | Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering The Henry Samueli School of Engineering |