The Distinguished Professor title is a campus-level distinction and is reserved for Above Scale senate faculty who have achieved the highest levels of scholarship over the course of their careers. Distinguished Professors will typically have earned national and international level distinctions and honors of the highest level.

Emeritus senate faculty with a Distinguished Professor title may describe their affiliations and/or disciplines in a format such as: Distinguished Professor, Emeritus/a, Department of X. The list of current Distinguished Professor, can be found here.

Distinguished Professor Emeritus/aDepartment/School
Nicholaos G. AlexopoulosDepartment of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
V. Ara ApkarianDepartment of Chemistry
School of Physical Sciences
John C. AviseDepartment of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
School of Biological Sciences
Kenneth M. BaldwinDepartment of Physiology & Biophysics
School of Medicine
Etienne BalibarDepartment of European Languages & Studies
School of Humanities
Frank D. BeanDepartment of Sociology
School of Social Sciences
Ermanno BencivengaDepartment of Philosophy
School of Humanities
Albert BennettDepartment of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
School of Biological Sciences
Ralph A. BradshawDepartment of Physiology & Biophysics
School of Medicine
William E. BunneyDepartment of Psychiatry & Human Behavior
School of Medicine
Diane Campbell
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
School of Biological Sciences
Thomas J. CarewDepartment of Neurobiology & Behavior
School of Biological Sciences
Michael CareyDepartment of Computer Science
Donald Bren School of ICS
Ronald CarlsonDepartment of English
School of Humanities
Leo ChavezDepartment of Anthropology
School of Social Sciences
Liu ChenDepartment of Physics & Astronomy
School of Physical Sciences
Jerome ChristensenDepartment of English
School of Humanities
Ralph ClaymanDepartment of Urology
School of Medicine
Michael T. CleggDepartment of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
School of Biological Sciences
Robert CornDepartment of Chemistry
School of Physical Sciences
Jose B. CruzDepartment of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Russell J. DaltonDepartment of Political Science
School of Social Sciences
Joseph DiMentoSchool of Law
Michael V. DrakeDepartment of Ophthalmology
School of Medicine
Said E. ElghobashiDepartment of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
William J. EvansDepartment of Chemistry
School of Physical Sciences
George FarkasSchool of Education
School of Education
Howard FederoffDepartment of Neurology
School of Medicine
Martha FeldmanDepartment of Urban Planning & Public Policy
School of Social Ecology
Barbara J. Finlayson-PittsDepartment of Chemistry
School of Physical Sciences
Zachary FiskDepartment of Physics & Astronomy
School of Physical Sciences
Daniel D. GajskiDepartment of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
David HirshlieferPaul Merage School of Business
Bryant GarthSchool of Law
Robert B. GerberDepartment of Chemistry
School of Physical Sciences
Enrico GrattonDepartment of Biomedical Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Bernard GrofmanDepartment of Political Science
School of Social Sciences
John C. HemmingerDepartment of Chemistry
School of Physical Sciences
Ramesh JainDepartment of Computer Science
Donald Bren School of ICS
Wesley O. JohnsonDepartment of Statistics
Donald Bren School of ICS
Claudia KawasDepartment of Neurology
School of Medicine

Department of Neurobiology and Behavior
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Abel KleinDepartment of Mathematics
School of Physical Sciences
Kenneth L. KraemerPaul Merage School of Business
Joseph LambertDepartment of Philosophy
School of Humanities
Andrew LankfordDepartment of Physics & Astronomy
School of Physical Sciences
Janos K. LanyiDepartment of Physiology & Biophysics
School of Medicine
Enrique LaverniaDepartment of Materials Science & Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Wen-Hwa LeeDepartment of Biological Chemistry
School of Medicine
Ellis LevinDepartment of Medicine
School of Medicine
Peter Wai-Kwong LiDepartment of Mathematics
School of Physical Sciences
Penelope MaddyDepartment of Logic & Philosophy of
Science School of Social Sciences
Marc MadouDepartment of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
David MalamentDepartment of Logic & Philosophy of Science
School of Social Sciences
Alexei A. MaradudinDepartment of Physics & Astronomy
School of Physical Sciences
J. Lawrence MarshDevelopmental & Cell Biology
School of Biological Sciences
James McGaughDepartment of Neurobiology & Behavior
School of Biological Sciences
James L. McmichaelDepartment of English
School of Humanities
Alexander McphersonDepartment of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
School of Biological Sciences
Frank MeyskensDepartment of Medicine
School of Medicine
John R. MilesDepartment of English
School of Humanities
Farghalli A. MohamedDepartment of Materials Science & Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Rachel MoranSchool of Law
Gonzalo NavajasDepartment of Spanish & Portuguese
School of Humanities
Margot NorrisDepartment of Comparative Literature/ Department of English
School of Humanities
Adeline NyamathiSue & Bill Gross School of Nursing
Gary M. OlsonDepartment of Informatics
Donald Bren School of ICS
Judith S. OlsonDepartment of Informatics
Donald Bren School of ICS
Larry E. OvermanDepartment of Chemistry
School of Physical Sciences
Ian ParkerDepartment of Neurobiology & Behavior
School of Biological Sciences
Jone PearcePaul Merage School of Business
Reginald PennerDepartment of Chemistry
School of Physical Sciences
Steven G. PotkinDepartment of Psychiatry & Human Behavior
School of Medicine
Thomas PoulosDepartment of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
School of Biological Sciences
Michael J. PratherDepartment of Earth System Science
School of Physical Sciences
Yvonne RainerDepartment of Art
Claire Trevor School of the Arts
Wilfred ReckerDepartment of Civil & Environmental Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Peter M. RentzepisDepartment of Chemistry
School of Physical Sciences
Karen RookDepartment of Psychological Science
School of Social Ecology
Michael RoseDepartment of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
School of Biological Sciences
John C. RoweDepartment of English
School of Humanities
Karl RubinDepartment of Mathematics
School of Physical Sciences
Vicki RuizDepartment of Chicano Latino Studies
School of Social Sciences

Department of History
School of Humanities
Rubén G. RumbautDepartment of Sociology
School of Social Sciences
Michael RyanDepartment of English
School of Humanities
Donald G. SaariDepartment of Economics
School of Social Sciences
Scott SamuelsenDepartment of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Gerasimos SantasDepartment of Philosophy
School of Humanities
Richard SchoenDepartment of Mathematics
School of Physical Sciences
Julie SchoenungDepartment of Materials Science & Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Gabriele Schwab
Department of Comparative Literature
School of Humanities
Kenneth J. SheaDepartment of Chemistry
School of Physical Sciences
Terrence ShevlinPaul Merage School of Business
Alice SilverbergDepartment of Mathematics
School of Physical Sciences
David W. SmithDepartment of Philosophy
School of Humanities
Patrick SmythDepartment of Computer Science
Donald Bren School of ICS
David A. SnowDepartment of Sociology
School of Social Sciences
Henry W. SobelDepartment of Physics & Astronomy
School of Physical Sciences
Dorothy J. SolingerDepartment of Political Science
School of Social Sciences
Robert SolomonSchool of Law
George SperlingDepartment of Cognitive Sciences
School of Social Sciences
Eric J. StanbridgeDepartment of Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
School of Medicine
Allen R. StubberudDepartment of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Timothy TackettDepartment of History
School of Humanities
Andrea TennerDepartment of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Chuu-Lian TerngDepartment of Mathematics
School of Physical Sciences
Frederic Seabrook ThomasDepartment of English
School of Humanities
Douglas TobiasDepartment of Chemistry
School of Physical Sciences
Harold E. ToliverDepartment of English
School of Humanities
Steven C. TopikDepartment of History
School of Humanities
Judith TreasDepartment of Sociology
School of Social Sciences
Chen TsaiDepartment of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Nosratola D. VaziriDepartment of Medicine
School of Medicine
Juan VillegasDepartment of Spanish & Portuguese
School of Humanities
Frederic Y. WanDepartment of Mathematics
School of Physical Sciences
Stephen H. WhiteDepartment of Physiology & Biophysics
School of Medicine
H. Kumar WickramasingheDepartment of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Samuel WilsonDepartment of Surgery
School of Medicine
Geoffrey A. WolffDepartment of English
School of Humanities
Jann N. YangDepartment of Civil & Environmental Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering