April 15, 2005
RE: New Delegations of Authority
Additional Delegated Authority – Lecturers (Non-Senate Instructional Unit)
Effective July 1, 2005, the Executive Vice Chancellor is redelegating to Deans part of his authority for personnel actions for appointees in the Project Scientist and Specialist Series.
In addition to approval of designated normal merit increases, authority has been delegated to Deans for approval of initial appointments, provided the candidate was identified following an affirmative action search. Authority to approve initial appointments for Non-Senate Instructional Unit Appointees (Lecturers) is also being delegated.
To help streamline the appointment process, Deans will also have authority to approve the affirmative action search prior to appointing individuals to titles in these series. Following approval, the Search Activities Statement and the original dossier should be forwarded to the Office of Academic Personnel for post audit purposes. Search statements will continue to be forwarded from Academic Personnel to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity for audit and Office of Record purposes.
Authority to approve appointments and reappointments for faculty as Visiting Professors and Visiting Researchers is also being redelegated provided that the candidate holds a professorial appointment at another institution. Faculty appointed to Visiting Professor titles must have teaching responsibilities while at UCI.
The authority for other academic personnel actions (such as reappointment, merit increases, leaves, etc.) are specified in each delegation. Actions requiring the approval of the EVC’s designee are also noted. Copies of the delegations are attached.
If you have any questions concerning the delegations, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 824-7371 or via electronic mail to
Herbert P. Killackey
Associate Executive Vice Chancellor
Department Chairs
Associate Deans
Chief Personnel Officers
Coordinator, Campus Administrative Policies
Academic Personnel