Eligible faculty and non-represented academics receive additional compensation for services that are in addition to the individual’s usual job duties. To allocate the additional compensation into an Academic Enrichment Fund or a research-type account, the faculty member must submit a completed an AEF form.

Additional Compensation Guidelines

1. What is considered additional compensation?

Additional UC Compensation refers to stipend, summer salary and payments for overload teaching in self-supporting programs and other types of University-paid compensation that are in addition to the eligible individual’s annual salary and reflect academic activities in addition to the individual’s usual job duties. Academic activities in addition to the individual’s usual job duties are considered eligible for additional compensation.

2. I have banked funds in my research account for service from prior years, can I still use those funds to pay my own salary?

Unfortunately, funds placed in the research accounts prior to the issuance of our guidelines form November 2019 are no longer eligible to be paid out as salary. This decision is to be in accordance with the IRS rules about constructive receipt that have been in place long before we issued our campus guidance. Therefore, any grandfathering provision would be contrary to the IRC regulations and would place faculty member individually and the University institutionally in jeopardy of violating these IRS regulations.

3. Does the AEF form have to be submitted annually or per activity? Where do I submit the AEF form?

The AEF form needs to be submitted for each additional compensation related activity.  A new form should be submitted annually for each individual activity following your school’s procedures.

4. Is a department chair required to complete an AEF form?

In some instances, a department chair is provided with additional compensation as a summer ninth or research funds for their service. An AEF form should be completed if they elect to allocate the additional compensation funds into a research-type account. This will document that these funds cannot be used for the academic’s own salary or cost of benefits.

5. I will receive $10,000 as summer salary for a campuswide service, however, that portion is only for salary, can I use my AEF funds to pay for cost of benefits?

AEF funds cannot be used for the individual’s salary or associated salary costs such as benefits. If the office paying the salary will not cover the related cost of benefits, they can choose to decrease the amount of salary to account for benefit costs all while paying the total amount agreed upon.

6. I have received startup funds, do I have to complete an AEF form?

AEF guidelines do not apply to startup funds since there is no service that was performed therefore, those funds are not considered additional compensation.