Senate faculty who are primary caregivers are welcome to apply for a Dependent Care Travel Award (DCTA). This award is designed to subsidize childcare expenses related to travel for conferences, research meetings, or conducting research, as well as daycare costs during a sabbatical that requires relocation.
Eligibility Criteria
- All Senate faculty who are primary caregivers of a child who is 6 years old or younger (at time of application) and have at least 50% caregiver responsibility.
Maximum of $1,000 per cycle.
Funding of this type is considered taxable by the Internal Revenue Service and the California Franchise Tax Board. Please be aware that you will be required to pay taxes on this award.
Award Cycles
- Two cycles per academic year.
- Faculty may apply every cycle.
- Receiving an award in one cycle does not disqualify a faculty member from applying in the subsequent cycle within the same academic year.
Allowable Expenses
- Additional childcare at home, conference, or research meeting. Proof of payment to childcare provider and affirmation that these care hours are beyond regularly scheduled care are required.
- Transportation expenses (airfare, rental car, etc.) for a childcare provider to travel to your home or accompany you to a conference or research meeting.
- Transportation expenses for child to accompany faculty to conference or research meeting.
- Food for child and/or childcare provider during conference or research meeting travel.
- Food for childcare provider if they must travel to provide at-home childcare.
- Lodging expenses for childcare provider at conference or research meeting.
Unallowable Expenses
- Additional childcare at home or at the conference provided by immediate family members (parents, grandparents, siblings).
- Airfare or lodging for a spouse at a conference or research meeting.
- Entertainment activities.
- Alcohol.
Funds must be utilized according to the manner designated in the approved application.
- Any deviations from the approved activities and budget must receive prior approval from the Office of Academic Personnel before travel occurs. Funds not utilized as approved will not be disbursed.
- If circumstances prevent the use of the award for travel or other approved purposes, the Office of Academic Personnel must be notified before the travel dates. This will allow the funds to be allocated to other qualifying faculty members.
- Award recipients are expected to attend the designated meeting or conference as indicated in the approved application.
- Funds will not be disbursed for expenses unrelated to travel or attendance.
- Funds will be disbursed post-travel, upon submission of proof of expenses, which includes original, itemized receipts and proof of payment, along with a completed User Report.
- Expenses and the online User Report must be submitted within (30) thirty days of travel. Failure to submit reimbursement expenses within (60) sixty days after the end of the award cycle will result in forfeiture of the reimbursement opportunity for that cycle.
Application Process
A completed application includes a detailed budget and evidence of future participation in a professional conference, research meeting, or research activity requiring travel.
Current DCTA call is for travel between October 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024. Please submit the online application no later than 11:59 p.m. on November 1, 2024.
Second DTCA call will be available in January 2025 for travel between January 1, 2025, through June 30, 2025.
Review and Selection Process
- The Office of Academic Personnel will review, evaluate, and select recipients.
- Priority will be given to Assistant Professors and faculty members presenting at a conference or research meeting.
- Applications will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis until funding is exhausted.
- Recipients of the award will be informed of their selection via email.
User Report
Within (30) thirty days after completing travel, each award recipient must submit an online User Report to the Office of Academic Personnel. The report should include an itemized list of expenses with proof of payment, detailing how the award was utilized and how it contributed to the recipient’s career advancement.
- Online User Report: Submit your itemized expenses and proof of payment online.
- Childcare Invoice Template: If needed, download the template for childcare invoices.