1. Are COVID-19 leaves available to non-senate faculty?
COVID-19 leaves are available to all academic appointees.
2. When will EFML (Emergency Family Medical Leave) expire?
According to the FFCRA (Federal Families Care Recovery Act), the EFML expires December 31, 2020.
3. What “proof” do those requesting COVID-19 leaves need to submit?
Those requesting COVID-19 related leaves need to disclose information required on the UC-wide request form.
4. Are healthcare certification documents required for COVID-19 leaves?
If the leave request is made on the basis of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case, a healthcare certification document will be required.
5. For those approved for COVID-19 leaves, do they “owe” the courses they did not teach during the approved leave?
When faculty are on approved leaves, they do not need to make up courses they do not teach during the approved leave.
6. Can contracts/grants pay for COVID-19 related leaves?
Consistent with the specific provisions of each grant, University approved leaves may be charged to the grant if permissible. Please see: https://www.ucop.edu/research-policy-analysis-coordination/policies-guidance/coronavirus/salary-costs.html. For additional questions, please contact UCI Office of Research, Sponsored Projects, https://research.uci.edu/sponsored-projects/index.html.
7. Can departments reduce the workload instead of providing a leave?
Yes. We recommend working with your department chair and/or supervisor to find the best workplace adjustment that is best for the department and you.
8. When I am on a COVID-19 leave, will I lose retirement and health/welfare benefits?
When an employee, who is already participating in the University’s health/welfare benefits and retirement plans, is on an approved paid leave, they retain their eligibility to continue their participation in these plans.
9. Health Sciences employees are not eligible to use COVID-19 leaves. What are their options?
Health Science employees are eligible to use non-COVID-19 leaves.
Health Science employees are eligible to use non-COVID-19 leaves.
10. What if an employee’s childcare center is open but they are on the wait list?
In this case, the employee will be eligible for EFML until they have access to their childcare center.
11. Is EFML 12 week? Is it a paid leave for 12 weeks?
Under the FFCRA, if the employee is eligible for EFML, the total length of EMFL is 12 weeks (available through December 31, 2020). The first two weeks of EFML is unpaid, but the employee can use other paid leaves available to them for the first two unpaid weeks of EFML, so that, all together, they would receive pay for the total length of EFML (12 weeks).